[Standard Ready] A New Face

Class: Hunter - Format: kraken - Type: aggro - Season: season-24 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

In general you always want a turn one play and against most decks you'll just want to mulligan for them. If you have coin it's fine to keep 2 cost cards in most cases, huge toad being the best option in that scenario.

Aggro Mulligans

In a game vs another aggro matchup you'll still want a turn 1 play but the key to winning in this case is actually fighting to control the board while also whittling away at your opponents health when possible. it's not wrong against most decks to take reactive cards like Unleash the Hounds and Explosive Trap. In a matchup vs shaman you'll want to keep Quick Shot to deal with their Tunnel Trogg efficiently.

Control Mulligans

In cases vs a control deck you want to be able to get around their taunt and hit face, it's more important to have an iron beak or hunters mark (especially vs priest) than anything else. you'll usually have a faster start than your opponent so it's worth sacrificing turn 1 cards to get hold of your answers.

Midrange Mulligans

You're faster than midrange decks so the turn 1 emphasis is always right, but you may want to chang your strategy depending on which class you're dealing with. Against paladin or hunter it's not wrong to keep Unleash the Hounds, or Explosive trap. Against mage you might want to keep Quick Shot to deal with Mana Wyrm, or you could keep Ironbeak Owl  to deal with Flamewaker, or until it cycles out Mad Scientist. When facing druid you may want to consider keeping Hunter's Mark to deal with Druid of the Claw, or you could keep Quick Shot to deal with Darnassus Aspirant.

An example of how face hunter may look in the upcoming standard format. Obviously cards will be added/changed/removed when new cards are revealed but here’s an example of what can be done without mad scientist and other “Wild” staples.

This deck is still very viable in the current meta and has a lot of options for changes.

I can write a full guide if this deck gets any attention, but for now i’ll just write about a few key cards.

Hunter's Mark  does wonders for removal against huge threats and big taunts, nothing new here. Allows you to trade your snakes and hounds into huge creatures or makes big threats vulnerable to Knife Juggler , Huge Toad  and Explosive Trap . Interchangeable with a second Ironbeak Owl  Depending on the meta.

Snake Trap  is a 2 cost card that gives you another secret for Eaglehorn Bow, 3 beasts on the field, 3 potential Knife Juggler triggers, and can often trick your opponent into thinking it’s the more commonly played Explosive Trap. Also works well with Animal Companion making Leokk less useless or forcing your opponents into triggering it with Misha.

Dire Wolf Alpha gets more value from your small creatures and gives you yet another beast for Kill Command .

Huge Toad is a 3/2 beast that does another 1 damage when it dies, it’s not overwhelmingly powerful but it’s certainly respectable enough compared to its alternatives.

Ironbeak Owl Silences things, nullifies taunts, lets you go face. it’s just another removal card that also gives you a 2/1 beast, can be taken out for a second hunters mark depending on the meta.

Leeroy Jenkins is a card not everybody has, it’s more or less just an alternative Arcane Golem. I say alternative because it’s more a matter of preference than an outright improvement. Both should be used primarily as finishers and both have drawbacks. the reason I chose Leeroy is because it has more attack (obviously) and can allow you get more value from Unleash the Hounds if the game somehow lasts that long.


The deck is already relatively inexpensive but to make it even cheaper some alternatives include

-1 Snake Trap
+1 Bear Trap

-1 Leeroy Jenkins
+1 Arcane Golem


If you want to optimize the deck for the current/Wild format here are the best ways to do so –

-2 Dire Wolf Alpha
-2 Huge Toad
-1 Snake Trap

+2 Haunted Creeper
+2 Mad Scientist
+1 Glaivezooka


And finally it’s rumored that Knife Juggler and Leper Gnome will be nerfed upon release of the Standard format. depending on the severity of these nerfs these cards may need to be replaced. In that scenario there’s a lot of options for either card, and we’ll likely get more upon the release of the new expansion but based on existing cards here’s the best replacements.

-2 Leper Gnome
+1 Worgen Infiltrator
+1 Brave Archer

-2 Knife Juggler
+2 Flame Juggler

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  1. Evident
    March 25, 2016 at 11:30 AM

    Your deck was featured on our weekly Community Post, thanks for the submission! http://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/community-decks-of-the-week-march-25th-2016/

  2. Evident
    March 21, 2016 at 8:39 PM

    Great guide and deck! I’m really interested to find out how much this deck will miss Mad Scientist. Thanks for the submission!