Standard N’Zoth Deathrattle Hunter (Season 26)

Class: Hunter - Format: kraken - Type: midrange - Season: season-25 - Style: ladder

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This deck centers around getting a ton of value out of your deathrattle minions all throughout the game. With good early game cards like Fiery Bat and King's Elekk to help you curve out. In addition King's Elekk also helps you draw the heavier cards in your deck like N'Zoth, The CorruptorSylvanas Windrunner, and Savannah Highmane

This deck works extremely well with its self but comboing cards like Infested Wolf with double Houndmaster because the spiders off of Infested Wolf are beasts themselves unlike Haunted Creeper. With a little added value of Ram Wrangler as a lot of the beasts added in Whispers of the Old Gods are very high value such as Addled Grizzly which synergizes very well with Unleash the Hounds

The stars of the show are by far N'Zoth, The Corruptor and Princess HuhuranPrincess Huhuran herself has a very decent statline for her cost and her effect can really have huge swings with cards like Twilight Summoner, as oppenets will often not kill the 1/1 so they don’t have to deal with the 5/5 that comes off of Twilight Summoner. Great plays often include Twilight Summoner or Infested Wolf turn 4  followed by Princess Huhuran for extreme value. N'Zoth, The Corruptor comes in when you’ve basically exhausted all your deathrattles or you just need something to play turn 10. Even if it spawns only 1-3 deathrattles the deathrattles are such good value that it can really swing your board and make you instantly start winning. 

The stickyness of the minions also makes it so after you play N'Zoth, The Corruptor cards like Doom and Brawl that would normally clear your entire board will just trigger all of the deathrattles and you’ll still be left with a really strong board to use cards like Infest  on to reload your hand. 

Other very good combos are Hunter's Mark with On the Hunt which is basically a 2 mana Assassinate while also summoning a 1/1 beast that can be buffed by houndmaster. 

Cards that could easily be replaced and are more situational are Ram WranglerSpawn of N'Zoth, and Forlorn Stalker although I’ve had good experiences with them so far. 

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