General Mulligans
General mulligan strategy is very similar regardless of matchup. Murkspark Eel is the best 2-drop in the game in an even deck, and should generally be kept against any opponent. That said, if you're facing something like Quest Mage that won't interact with the board early, its battlecry will not be as valuable until later in the game, and Zap-o-matic and Totem Golem should be prioritized more.
Corpsetaker is well worth keeping if you already have two 2-drops, and Flametongue can be kept if you feel you'll need to push a lot of damage early. If you have a perfect hand against Paladin, you can keep Sea Giant as it is possible to play very early.
After experimenting with Even Shaman in standard and being encouraged by its potential, I decided to revisit Jade Shaman decks in Wild after noticing that of Jade cards available to Shaman, only Jade Chieftain had an odd mana cost. My list shares some similarities to the standard version created by Burr0, but cuts some of the fringier selections in favor of better options available in the Wild format. The combination of the Jade and Corpsetaker packages, alongside the consistency provided by the 1-mana hero power, best 2 drop in the game in Murkspark Eel and huge boost from old favorite Thing from Below make this a very potent midrange deck that can apply constant pressure to opponents much like the various Dude Paladin lists.
This deck is still in the very early stages of experimentation, and I am posting it here in the hopes that other users might have ideas to improve it. While there are some powerhouses to contend with in the Wild format, Shaman’s card pool there is much stronger and I think that a deck featuring Genn Graymane may end up being quite strong when refined.