This is a spell mage deck that took a garbage player (me) from rank 5 diamond to #17525 legend, with a ~63% winrate. Not a pro, by any stretch, so take any recommendations with a grain of salt. And I’m not even going to attempt writing a serious guide. Only thing I can guarantee is that I had fun!
As with other spell mage decks, you always(?) want Learn Draconic, Font of Power, and Incanter's Flow. Incanter’s Flow can feel greedy vs. aggro, but also pays off with cheap draw/removals/everything(!), if you live long enough. I also found Ancient Mysteries helpful vs. aggro, since you can get an Ice Barrier or Mirror Entity up early, giving you some breathing room, or a bit of board presence. Early draw is good for longer games vs. priests or Galakrond Warlocks (the latter of whomst’ve seemed to run out of steam almost every time). Polymorph can cause priests to rage quit.
Mirror Entity might be a weird choice, but I found it hard to get much value out of Flame Ward (again, possibly because I’m … meh.) Some players don’t expect it and hand you game-winning minions.
Evocation can be surprisingly useful earlier on, if you got stuck with higher-cost spells, and you want to accomplish at least something, while an aggro player seems to be spiraling out of control.
Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron is in this deck because Puzzle Box must go in all decks.
Respect for hitting legend with spell mage if this isn’t a meme.
Thanks! Not a meme haha. I added a bit more information that hopefully someone might find useful.