Spark’z – Egg Paladin [Feat: Tarim & Bolvar] (Season 38, Wild)

Class: Paladin - Format: wild - Type: token - Season: season-38 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

  1. Only one of the 1 drop deathrattles shown, both are viable, but Dragon egg works better with Argus.
  2. You only need one buff taunt buff in your starting hand. 
  3. Only keep Bolvar if you are going second and have a curve into it 

Egg Paladin?

        Yes I know, Egg paladin has never been a thing and allow me to tell you why I think it wasn’t ever played. When N'Zoth, The Corruptor, Zealous Initiate Spawn of N'Zoth came in with WotOG, Nerubian Egg left us. At that point in time we didn’t have Devilsaur Egg in standard, leaving the deck only with Dragon Egg. Bolvar Fordragon was unplayable because all the Ironbeak Owl were still running around. Karazhan came around adding to the deck’s egg pool, but other paladin decks were still far superior to what this one could be. Now lets fast forward to Un’Goro and see what new tools we have on hand. From Un’Goro itself we have Sunkeeper Tarim and Devilsaur Egg both of which are powerful and needed cards in this deck. Along the way Smuggler's Run was released in MSG granting a way to pre-buff eggs before sending them out, and then we ventured back into wild to gain access to all 4 eggs.

        The resulting product is a deck that has cards from every expansion released. You might be wondering why you have never heard of this deck and I believe it is safe to say it’s because most high end meta decks have their most optimized version made by professional players. The Wild Heroic Tavern Brawl shook up the entire wild deck scene and changing the decks from just old pimped out secret paladins and mech mages into whole new archetypes. This is because such a large and high skill group got forced to fight each other with some very nice rewards on the horizon. Sending their genius brains into action but somehow though, this un-created deck flew under the radar and was never forged. This deck originally was me trying to find another way to play the paladin quest, but then I dropped that whole idea and just made it a N’Zoth egg deck. The rest of this guide will go over card choices, positioning plays, and substitutions.

Card Choices

Sir Finley Mrrgglton

        What may seem like an interesting choice in this deck is highly valuable because unless we are completely desperate we don’t want to buff our Recruits. Thanks to league of explorers we get to use the Paladin class cards with the power of using a druid, mage, priest, rogue, or warlock hero powers. Those are the 5 best hero powers for this deck to get its hands on. Hero powers you should never take unless the mentioned situation arrises.

  1. Warrior Hero Power
      ~~ Only if you are close to losing and need to just have a simple 2 mana heal. You wouldn’t take it because you have no weapons at all.
  2. Shaman Hero Power
      ~~ We already got rid of the Paladin hero power why try for basically the same one? The only possible exception is your literal only way out is a spell damage buffed consecration otherwise don’t even think about it.
  3. Hunter Hero Power
      ~~ This deck isn’t an aggro egg deck we have no need for the most aggressive hero power in the game. The one time you would take this hero power is if you are closing in on your opponent, you know you are running out of resources, and you need to kill them.

Spawn of N'Zoth over Dire Wolf Alpha?

        Spawn of N’Zoth is actually a highly important card and has to be played if you play N’zoth in this deck. He is crucial to being able to get any use out of our eggs when brought back with N’Zoth for late game power. In the early/mid game he is slow but still an excellent choice for keeping being able to buff our eggs in some way. His true reason he is in the deck comes with N’Zoth and the the power of trading our Spawn after dropping N’Zoth, and being able to actually use our eggs. Unless you have a Defender of Argus or a Sunfury Protector in your hand don’t drop N’Zoth yet if you haven’t had one of the Spawn’s die, but the game is pretty friendly in letting you pulling at least one out so that shouldn’t be a problem. For those of you wondering why this deck didn’t have Dire Wolf now you know why.

Bolvar Fordragon 

        Meet paladin’s once upon a time second worst legendary and now a die or kill card, this card can easily get out of control before you realize it. The hardest part with him is the mulligan withthe best way to make him as scary as possible is by keeping him, but because he isn’t a 4 drop makes him all the harder to drop on a guaranteed curve out. So far if I at least have a turn 1 and/or 2 play I have been keeping him every time against Priest, Mage, and Druid (Token druid seems to have dissipated in Wild). The highest record so far is a 13/7 Bolvar turn 7. With some great assistance from a Defender of Argus and Dragon Egg this card very easily starts climbing in stats. 


        Aside from the high end of the curve we have generally a pretty cheap deck but in-case you didn’t pay or grind out the gold for LoE here are card swaps you can do.


5/21: Added substitution section and swapped one card.
                Smuggler's Run –> Blessing of Kings 

5/22: Guide update and swapped one card.
                Runic Egg –> Zealous Initiate 

5/23: Minor changes no card swaps.

5/24: 1 Card swap 
                1x Zealous Initiate –> Forbidden Healing 

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  1. French Guy
    May 26, 2017 at 5:47 AM

    Unfortunately I do not have Tarim or N’Zoth, any suggestions on what could replace those 2? I mean it is deff taking away from the death rattle synergy.. I was hoping to play this more like an aggro egg deck.

    • Sparkz - Author
      May 26, 2017 at 5:51 AM

      I don’t have any suggestions for you as unlike Druid. Paladin doesn’t have any savage roars to leap over those final hurdles.
      I guess you could try Leeroy and Dr. Boom

  2. Alex
    May 24, 2017 at 1:54 PM

    Hey Sparkz, so this deck does really well against Aggro and Tempo decks, but I just don’t know how to deal with decks like Fatigue Warrior where with our low attack minions don’t threaten them and they don’t have to do anything about them and can just soar upwards with their armor points.

    • Sparkz - Author
      May 24, 2017 at 4:44 PM

      All I can say is set up your eggs for all of the whirlwind, taskmasters, and primordial drakes you can, as there is no way they won’t be playing them. Against Fatigue warriors it’s all about pacing there is no need to try and rush a fatigue warrior. Just make sure whatever they play you can remove and stay on the board. Personally I don’t have a problem with the occasional ones I see. I fear the patron warriors before I fear the fatigue ones.
      At the end of the story just keep the board control and make steady progress, and with my line up with Bolvar I’ll just rack him up to say a 17/7 then drop him. By that point he’s got no hard removal left and I can just kill him in 2 turns.

  3. dillydally
    May 22, 2017 at 3:26 PM

    Solid deck build!
    I don’t understand Bolvar… I just replaced him with Windrunner and had some solid results…

    • Sparkz - Author
      May 24, 2017 at 4:36 PM

      Definitely understandable. Personally I like to “theme” my decks and Bolvar fit this deck’s theme perfectly.

  4. Dreadphobia
    May 22, 2017 at 12:34 AM

    I keep finding decks like this that I want to try, but I’m trying to craft them all at once and am too poor to do so. After my jade druid is finished, I will definitely be trying this one!

    • Sparkz - Author
      May 22, 2017 at 6:45 AM

      pfft Jade Druid… BOOORRING! 😀
      You can definitely get away without playing Bolvar, so don’t worry about crafting him. Personally from my substitution section I recommend a Deathrattle.