Thanks for the upvotes!
Here’s the write up…
First off, my goal each season is to go from rank 5 to legend using off-meta decks… this being one of them, and I’m hoping the new nerf might help this find a spot. I have a feeling the deck needs a few more pieces to become truly viable, and perhaps they will come in upcoming sets (although the deck might lose some in rotation…)
There are three themes to the deck: “Self Harm” and “Healers” and “Benefit from Heals”
SELF HARM – Ornery Tortoise High Priest Thekal Crystallizer Bloodclaw
This suite of cards helps get you set up to heal. They all have good or above average stats to cost ratio, which helps fight for early board position. You HAVE TO mulligan hard for at least one of these.
HEALERS – Lifedrinker Zilliax Corpsetaker Chillblade Champion Earthen Ring Farseer Benevolent Djinn
This suite not only heals, but heals for +3 each time, which is important for the last theme. I had tried other heal cards, but noticed that the benefits of the +3 outweighed the flexibility of heal options. These are relatively self explanatory, but the lifesteal minions can really get you healed up and activate cards quick!
BENFITTERS – Lesser Pearl Spellstone Soup Vendor Happy Ghoul The Glass Knight Zandalari Templar Lightwarden
This suite is the reason to run this deck. All of these cards get HUGE value from healing up, and can really swing the board away from your opponents control
You always want to start with self harm. Without it, you can be spinning your wheels not gaining advantages due to healing.
Souppy is always a good keep and T2 drop. He actually trades well against decks that fight for board (odd pally, beasts, odd rogue), and if control wastes removal, then great!
Following souppy with either djinn or farseer (farseer included for consistency on this T3) is a good play, or with coin, any of your 4 drops. If ghoul can be involved in this, then great!
After that, it is all about putting pressure on the opponent. Draw everything you can and push for board. A second level spellstone is still good value, and if you have to play that to keep tempo going, then giv’r.
Other inclusions:
Mojo helps against Priests, Mages, Druids (control). Glass Knight is not a necessity, but has synergy.
Possible changes: Lightwarden is actually a bit weaker in this deck (compared to the heal zoo) as it is more about the amount of the heal, rather than the number of heals… but can still draw out removal. Might consider removing as it is not a good T1 play and can feel clunky in the overall idea of the deck.
Please let me know if you have questions, comments, suggestions etc…
Thanks for reading!
that amazing… 0_0