General Mulligans
Simple Mullgan. Look for your one drops and two drops. A great mulligan as i discussed in the guide is 1 drop into Grandmummy into Wretched Reclaimer.
The gist of this deck is to beat down your opponent with early game value and mech synergy.
Some new tempo cards have been added in Saviors of Uldum that provide powerful new plays. One great curve is: 1 drop -> Grandmummy -> Wretched Reclaimer onto the grandmummy for a +1/1 buff onto either your one drop (if it survived the first turns) or the reclaimer itself, the reborn Grandmummy that retains its deathrattle, and a revival of the original Grandmummy with reborn and its deathrattle. Also Wretched Reclaimer onto Evil Conscripter is a good play as well.
Also fitting into this deck nicely is High Priest Amet. A very simply play you can make with this decks plentiful one drops is on turn five play High Priest Amet and a one drop such as Mecharoo or the new Murmy, and you get yourself a 2/7 and a 1/7 with an effect for 5 mana.
Regarding the mech stuff, I tried to make a more zoo type deck with Crystalizers, Magic Carpets, and Knife jugglers, but i feel that that version would run out of gas too quick. Personally, I think the mech package provides a nice mid-range feel for the deck.
Some substitutes you can make with this deck is removing 2 one drops and Harvest Golems for Divine spirit and Innerfire/Topsy Turvy since High Priest Amet grants your minions such high health. But in my eyes this could lead to a more inconsistent draw.
This deck shouldn’t be too hard to play, just look for a good curve on your mulligan and make the right trades and you should be good to go!
One final note is that replacements for Explodinators might be optimal because of there only being 5 total cards in the deck that can magnetize onto the bombs (2x Wargear, 2x Replicating Menace and SN1P SN4P).