The C’Thun Warrior lists keep being refined. You’ll start to notice C’Thun cards getting cut here and there because it’s actually pretty rare to outright finish your opponent with C'Thun. It ends up being more of a board clear and a potential finisher.
Update: -2 Blood To Ichor, +1 Slam, +1 C'Thun's Chosen
Is it worth to craft Justicar Trueheart?
If you really like Control decks it might be worth it, but she doesn’t fit in many decks currently.
I’ve got everything except for Justicar and Sylvanas. However, I have enough dust for one. Which would you craft?
Sylvanas probably.
hey guys, can i replace 1 Acolyte of pain with 1 Crazed worshipper? because the only matchups i loose to are aggro, and i find myself occasionally with an under 10-attack c’thun.
any replacements for elise ??
Second Beckoner of Evil.
Any replacements for gorehowl ?
Ragnaros, Cairne, or maybe just the second Beckoner.
There’s another variation of C’Thun Control that maximizes card value by getting rid of Beckoner, which is essentially a dead card, and Brann which never stays on the table more than one turn and hardly achieves any value when played in combo on one turn. I can’t find the link, but the other version contains zero Slams and only one Acolyte. Instead it includes 2 Doomsayers, Harrison, Baron Geddon, and Doomcaller. I’ve had much better results and a much easier time actually “controlling” the game and thus extending the game long enough to buff my C’Thun high enough to actually get value from Shieldbearer and Twin Emperor.
U purpouse to put out 3 cards (30-3=27) and include new 5( 27+5=32). Fantastic, how can i do that? 😀
Actually he said get rid of 2 slams, 1 acolyte, Brann and beckoner. That would be 5… (Fantastic!)
I think this is the deck you’re referring to. It includes an in depth guide to the card choices and tips on playing the deck.
What can i sub for elsie? im going up agaisnt tempo warriors and shaman? some zoo too
Any replacements for Elise?
I’d just go second Beckoner of Evil.
I don’t understand why these decks run Elise? Can someone explain?
They run Elise primarily because control matchups would be literally impossible without her. C’thun is not nearly enough to end the game in most cases, especially against decks that either run plenty of healing or answers for him when he acctually hits the board. Elise is a strong win condition through her generation of multiple threats to close out the game.
I play the C’Thun warrior without Elise and I usually win against Elise decks. I hold back a couple threats (Ysera, C’thun, heck even the 6/6 Shieldbearer) and a couple removal (Brawl, Shield slam, Execute deal with basically anything in the end game) until they drop Elise, and then I know they have no spells to destroy my minions. Usually about half the legendaries Elise pulls are garbage (Cho, Millhouse? Ugh.), so to me it’s like swapping out cards you’ve engineered into the deck with a purpose, for random legendaries.
Basically if the game run long against another control deck then Elise can give you an edge in the late turns of the game. If you’re not running against much control at your tier, this could be swapped for something else.
Elise is also a strong drop on turn 4 (3 on the coin), especially against weeny decks like Zoo, and the only downside is that playing her tends to make your opponent go aggressive in an attempt to kill you before you can get the Golden Monkey which might not suit the control play-style … however most opponents go all out aggro as soon as they realise you’re running a C’Thun deck anyway.
This isn’t hugely different to the C’Thun Warrior deck I’ve been running for a few weeks now; though I prefer having a Doomcaller. Getting a turn 10 C’Thun for board clear and then getting it back in your deck for a finisher later on is priceless… not reliable against Mage (Polymorph) or Priest though.
gorehowl raplecement? i just don’t like this card a lot ;/ plus i don’t have it
Ragnaros could work in that spot if you have it.
Cairne could work for Sylvanas, but if you don’t have that you could try second C’Thun’s Chosen. Second Slam for Twin Emperor, there’s not a great replacement. You could also try Bloodhoof Brave.
Thanks for the tips!
How does this deck do against the annoying aggro decks like Zoo and Shaman?
replacement for second brawl? i used most of my dust to craft two shield slams and twin emporer veklor. thnx
Second Slam.
Now that a second Slam is included in the standard list, do you have a new recommendation for the second Brawl? Thanks. 🙂
Second Beckoner of Evil.
From rank 15 to 11 without losing. Works fine so far.
What about -1 Slam +1 Beckoner of Evil? Helps with early game and those annoying times there’s not enough C’thun buff for the 7cost cards.
Good replacement for Justicar?
Cairne, or second Slam.
Dude, my deck is of slight variations.
any tips on n-zoth?
I think n-zoth is like having great advantages on us. brawl don’t seems to help unless I keep 2 brawl when he cast n-zoth
aside that, I don’t seems to have a plan b.
I lost to N-Zoth Pally, 7 turns into fatigue, he had 2 more health than I did.
currently I have beaten n-zoth solely by keeping 2 brawl.
you know it s a good control deck when you always got the answers, and this one really acomplishes that
I dont like this deck, with only 4 cthun buff cards what is the point in cthun in this deck? Chances are that your shieldbearers and emperors wont even proc.
To be honest, my initial record with the deck was 11-4 (2 win streaks including) and even in the game I lost I managed to buff my C’Thun easily to 10/10 and above. Bear in mind I do not have second Brawl and Shield Slam, which are two of the most important cards for such a Warrior.
i tried this deck, got all the cards, had 4 games where i didn’t draw enough cthun cards and had to play emperors and shieldbearers without battlecry
Not sure I understand having Elise Starseeker in this deck. Why not another minion that interacts with C’thun or some other form of control/removal? Any good reason to keep her or suggestions to replace her with?
Elise is for games against other control decks. It helps you win in fatigue.
How does it help?
It adds another card to your deck which delays fatigue. You will also sometimes have cards like Acolyte of Pain in your hand that you don’t want to play in the late game. Elise allows you to turn those useless cards into strong end game plays.
So far i’m 5-1 with this deck, i’ve been looking for a C’thun deck that works for me and this seems to be it