Experimental: The deck should be considered a work in progress.
We’ll see if a deck like this makes it to competitive play, but it sure does look like a lot of fun. Keep in mind that most decks coming out early from League of Explorers are going to be experimental! This deck blends Freeze Mage with a couple of new cards from the adventure, Forgotten Torch and Summoning Stone. You could potentially get a lot of value out of Summoning Stone if you’re able to keep it on board for a turn. Forgotten Torch just might make it into standard Freeze Mage, and here it provides you with control and burst while powering up your Summoning Stone!
I think Spellslinger would be an awesome addition to the deck being a minion that also gives you a random spell for your Summoning Stone
Nexus-Champion Saraad too.
reno and soulpriest?
I just realized that. I also have an updated singlet dragon control deck with the soulpriest
After the release of “League of Explorers” and looking at the potential decks to be tested in the coming days, I wanted to take the time to mention a deck. Its purposes are not to climb the ladder, but just to have fun. I will also say that it won’t surprise me if a variation of this deck gets played:
Double Dragon (the deck is so name because of the 2 Jone brothers and the dragons in the deck:
(Note: This deck uses Harrison Jones and Reno Jones. Reno Jones interacts well with a favorite card of mine: Aunchenai Soulpriest! Harrison is good utility against weaponed based decks). This is a singlet deck as to efficiently optimize the trigger of Reno Jones. The decks intention is to stabilize to an extent where you can play Soulpriest and Reno Jones for maximum damage. This deck could a further explanation, but if you have questions or ideas feel free to hit me up. So here is the decklist:
mind vision
holy smite
Northshire cleric
Twilight whelp
zombie chow
shadow word: pain
ironbeak owl
wyrmrest agent
shadow wod: death
big game hunter
dark cultist
auchenai soulpriest
piloted shredder
twilight guardian
holy nova
azure drake
blackwing corruptor
Harrison Jones
sludge belcher
cabal shadow Priest
Emperor Thausrissan
Reno Jackson
Dr. Boom
Mind control
I am currently working on a singlet control deck that utilizes auchenai soulpriest for efficiently.
jones and soul priest?
so the deck is about damaging yourself for a maximum of points? reno only heals yourself, not the enemy