General Mulligans
No matter if you are facing aggro or control or meme decks: you want to rotate trough your deck as quickly as possible. So you want to keep your drawing stuff and mix your mulligan with some early/mid game removal. Consecration is a good choice against aggro and token while Truesilver Champion helps to keep the board clean in general.
I saw some community deck lists playing around with Recurring Villain and Immortal Prelate and I thought it might be cool to combine this with the “meme decks” of the past featuring Da Undatakah.

The idea is to trigger your deathrattles once and then get them with
Da Undatakah so he resummons himself and shuffles
himself into the deck over and over again. Thats your first win condition.
The other win condition is buffing your Immortal Prelate and keep her shuffling into the deck and pulling her out again in the fatigue game. The fun thing about that is: Once Da Undatakah got the 2 necessary deathrattles he keeps them and the newly summoned Immortal Prelates don’t mess up the deathrattles of Da Undatakah.
Other mentionable cards are Baleful Banker and Barista Lynchen – though those cards are replaceable if you don’t like them. I love the Barista just because of her flavor and entrance and her battlecry is an AoE Zola value machine but that’s up to you.
( Da Undatakah, Harrison Jones, Baleful Banker and Novice Engineer are all great battlecry targets to get back to hand)
The idea behind those cards is to create more copies of Da Undatakah to bounce him into your hand and create more copies of him. That plays around possible silences in the meta. The rest of the strategy is to buff your Immortal Prelate and Da Undatakah and create value in the late game by defeating your opponent at or before the fatigue game.
Thanks to Lightforged Blessing you have some late game healing with your Immortal Prelate and Da Undatakah.
I am also playing around with the new secret Never Surrender! since it can be a good buff for your minions but I am not sure about that yet. Further testing required. That counts for Redemption as well since it can bring value to your deathrattles but I am not sure yet.
Beside all of that we have some buffs, some draw and some board clear.
The Mechano-Egg is for the 3rd deathrattle on Da Undatakah and generates some scary value for you.
Harrison Jones is here to save you from all those nasty Wrenchcaliburs and Spectral Cutlasses and giving you some draw power in the process. If you don’t have him or you think you don’t need the draw from him you can replace with good old Acidic Swamp Ooze
All of that is really theoretical and needs some testing and adjusting but I like those decks way more than those boring aggro and token decks and maybe it will not end up being the worst deck ever.
I will keep adjusting and editing this deck list here. Stay tuned.
Update #1:
-1x Crystology
+1x Novice Engineer
Thanks to the strong card draw we have it is kinda hard to justify 2x Crystology since most of the time you will not be able to draw anything with it in mid/late game.