General Mulligans
Aggro deck. Nuf said.
Its pretty clear, that you want all your small facehitting minions right in your hand at the beginning.
Abusive is also an option since it helps keeping the board clear from all that mess that zoolock and midrange paladin is throwing at you.
I actually just tried a bit around anyfin and some aggro cards in wild, since playing standard is just cancer against all the Zoolocks and Face Shamans (get good people, seriously).
In wild I was reking with that deck. In 2 days I made it from rank 21 to rank 10.
Nothing special to be honest. Just all that standard aggro stuff you know and love. Once you reach 10 mana, you can play the first Anyfin Can Happen right into the face of your unprepared secret paladin opponent.
Most of the time its “gg” at this point anyway. If not, second Anyfin Can Happen , b*tches.
Why Eater of Secrets you may think.
Because above Rank 15, you only meet secret paladins in wild. Why playing a brain-required deck, when you just can win on turn 6 with Mysterious No-Skiller, right?
Some words to Sir Finley Mrrgglton : You want to get Hunter or Warlock hero power.
Against any kind of Control deck like Priest, Warior or the new mofo in town, Deathrattle Paladin, the hunter hero power helps to bring them down to low hp so you can finish them with your allmighty Anyfin Can Happen .
If you dont get Sir Finley Mrrgglton right at the beginning, you want to go for warlock at 99% of the time since you run out of steam at turn 6 or 7 like any other aggro deck. The only card that helps here is Divine Favor .
maybe i would change the hoarder and a worgen with a steward of darkshire. it’s sooo strong.