This deck revolves around getting a murmuring elemental that costs (1) or less into your hand with saronite chain gang, lifedrinker and grumble battlecries played.
This creates an infinite loop of shudderwocks that cost (1) into your hand, ending the game with lifedrinker’s battlecry to swing life totals
Notably enough, this is a theorycrafted deck so tweaks will come as soon as I get to playtest the draw package.
Notable inclusions:
Hemet, the Jungle Hunter. He’s here to stop us from drawing the board control tools later on in the game so we can focus on getting the combo as soon as possible. Hemet after both fire plume and murmuring elemental have been found. This is why we have both copies of witchwood piper as well as sandbinders to find both elementals and grumble asap. The combo should win you the game in any control matchup due to the OTK life swings.
Sandbinder + Witchwood piper.
Both of these 4 drops come with the added benefit of both being able to tutor for combo pieces as well as not overdrawing after your deck has been exhausted. Witchwood piper can also double as a tutor for lifedrinkers and saronite chain gangs after Hemet.
Acolyte + Mana tide totem
Shaman lacks great card draw and these are the ways I found to circumvent the card draw costing over 2. They’re both one of since I haven’t gotten a proper playtest with either.
Far Sight.
Not only is it a great way to accelerate your draws, it is almost guaranteed to bring value in this deck. With only 6 of the cards costing under 3 it will almost certainly bring out full value whenever used.
Zap and lighting bolt
Having cheap reemoval during the early game to squeeze tempo plays in and preventing awkward clears due to RNG, I feel these cards are going to help facilitate combo turns and draws. zap can activate acolyte in fringe cases and lightning bolt can double as a finisher in some cases.
No Bogshaper?
I don’t think it’ll be fast enough to come online since you need to focus your early game around defending yourself. There’s no reason to slam a 7 mana minion that you might not even have the spells for if you’re barely holding on against aggro. Against control having a slightly faster draw engine might not matter since all you care about is getting the combo down and getting Hemet should seal the fate of almost all pure control decks. Decks such as cubelock might be hard to fight against since their combo requires less parts and has more redundancy, but I feel hex might be enough to dissuade them from going allout too early.
This would also mean swapping around the sandbinder/piper ratio to fit in more spells to cycle with Bogshaper. I think earth and frost shocks might be useful for stalling and just fishing with bogshaper. Running bogshapers with the overload giants and crushing hands for the overload benefits is also a possibility. Swapping out lightning bolts for crushing hands or earth shocks in the current package might also be a meta call
I have also thought about cutting more of the draw parts of the deck and focusing on a more value based approach but I have more fun theorycrafting and experimenting with combo shells. Shudderwock is by far the best card in terms of avenues of approach to deckbuilding around it. I also think running 2 copies of each necessary battlecry might be overkill and cutting each combo part to 1 of while running bogshapers to draw minions from your deck might be a valid option.