Shadow Priest is another classic deck that has been around for as long as constructed seasons have existed. Shadow Priest generally requires the use of healing cards to a manageable health total. After the standard mode shadow priest lost its antique healbot but with C’thun they are able to use twilight darkmender. I combined the shadow priest with new control priest and I create this
It lacks card draw mechanism, i am considering to look for acolyte and shield to fit in! what r you guys thinking
Nice deck’s, however I swap thiscards:
– confessor paletress
– thwilight elder
+ brann bronzebeard –> to combo with almost all minions
+ forbidden shaping –> to line up the mana curbe
and it goes well
Is it necessary to run 2x Doomcaller? Is it just for the big body? Cuz there are better threats and I am not really fond of the idea of resurrecting my C’thun twice. Can I replace one of them with rag or what do you suggest?
can i swap sylvanas in for a cabal shadow priest? is there a specifi reason for having 2 of them?
Can be good but cabal is better.
Is this deck doable with out either the twins or paletress? Can only craft one atm
Do it without Paletress if you have to choose.
twin is more important
Hi, really fun deck and in control it will win most of the times, but I have problem with Shaman and Hunter. Against Shaman, if I drop board clear or I spend some resources to clear, they will always get perfect draw, even getting Feral Spirit from steal cards, he clears them with lucky Lighting Storm. Against Hunter they always have kill command and other shits to finish me, when I get the board. Any tips on how to play and which cards to mulligan, or when to go in shadowform against these classes? Usually I play ShadoForm as fast as possible against them, bcs I won’t have board control otherways.
Im having trouble with aggro zoolock and mid shaman. any tips on which cards to replace or just tips in general against them?
Deck dont work. Play 3 games in random, 3 cleary loses.
You don’t know how to play. I am on a win streak with this deck
Looks cool. Any tips for mulligans and early game? Thx.
Also, I only have one Cabal. Would a Holy Nova be a good replacement?
You can use stampeding kodo to destroy a minion with 2 or less attack but you must have second cabal for all priest decks
This deck gives me the final reason to craft the twin emperors, love the deck and the mecanics, i’ll try it soon, maybe, whit so many shaman and they 7/7 i play 2 dead.
Palatress replacement ?
Maybe Kodoraider?
i play a second thopughsteal. works fine
I loved this deck. It is a good combination of shadow priest and c’thun
This deck is awesome. I laddered to rank 2. But this is a hard deck to play. You must learn before ladder.
thanks for the deck, was looking for a shadow standard version.
unofortunately i think it has no chance of surviving the early game against shaman/zoo, who are the majority at least when i play.
but i will keep trying to win some. shadow priest has always been fun.
After you get used to deck you become unstoppable. I defeat so many aggro shaman and zoolock. But you must get used to it
Thx for the deck laddered to rank 5