Shaman Fin Blitz

Class: Shaman - Format: wild - Type: aggro - Season: season-21 - Style: ladder

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Aggro Mulligans

Sir Finley Mrrggleton can swap the lackluster Shaman hero power for something better-suited for a racing (Hunter, Warlock) or a war of attrition (Mage, Paladin).

Murlock Tidehunter creates an instant board presence to trade with early minions or multiply power-ups.

Murlock Warleader provides a huge boost to a swarm of tiny minions, and can easily decide a race.

Lightning Storm is a reset button to fix a bad board position. Murlocks stuggle to play catch-up if they fall behind early, so this undercosted AOE bomb can make a world of difference.

Midrange Mulligans

 Earth Shock is key for handling midrange defensive blockades like Sludge Belcher and Twilight Guardian.

Coldlight Oracle helps snowball your board position with cheap minions.

Murlock Warleader turns every murlock into a heavy-hitter capable of trading with more expensive midrange minions.

Old Murk-Eye is a quick finisher that outclasses most similarly-costed midrange minions.

Combo Mulligans

Murlock Tidecaller is a fast and fragile clock, so it is most effective against non-interactive decks.

Murlock Warleader provides a huge boost to all your minions for racing.

Bloodlust provides a huge boost to all your minions for racing.

Everyfin is Awesome provides a huge boost to all your minions for racing.

Control Mulligans

Sir Finley Mrrgglton can provide a better hero power depending on the matchup, and he comes with extra health to survive most early removal effects.

Coldlight Oracle refills your hand to help your army battle through lots of removal and keep the pressure on.

Coldlight Seer provides a universal health boost that can help your army survive AOE removal effects.

Everyfin is Awesome provides a universal health boost that can help your army survive AOE removal effects, and the extra damage can end the game quickly.

Swarm the board with cheap Murlocks, apply power-up effects (Grimscale Oracle, Coldlight Seer, Murloc Warleader, Bloodlust, Everyfin is Awesome), and reload with Coldlight Oracle to do it again if the assault comes up short. Earth Shock helps overwhelm defensive blockades like Sludge Belcher, and Lightning Storm provides huge tempo against other aggro decks.

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  1. Khayne
    January 6, 2016 at 5:03 PM

    I used this list in the current brawl (battle of the builds) and am currently 12-0 without any real close matchup!
