I replaced 1 elven archer for disciplinarian Gandling for a little spice, and got myself a deck that I went 29-7 and got to legend with. I know it looks a little wack, but playing it felt actually really good. It completely destroys all the otk mages, warlocks and rouges, and goes positively against other tempo decks. It wasn’t unsusual to kill the opponent on turn 5, though usually it’s about turn 6-7. I really do believe this to be the meta breaker
i have a question,suppose i put gandling in the deck,when should i play it? should i keep the 1 drops in my hand until i play him first? what should i do?
I replaced 1 elven archer for disciplinarian Gandling for a little spice, and got myself a deck that I went 29-7 and got to legend with. I know it looks a little wack, but playing it felt actually really good. It completely destroys all the otk mages, warlocks and rouges, and goes positively against other tempo decks. It wasn’t unsusual to kill the opponent on turn 5, though usually it’s about turn 6-7. I really do believe this to be the meta breaker
i have a question,suppose i put gandling in the deck,when should i play it? should i keep the 1 drops in my hand until i play him first? what should i do?