so this deck idea on readdit wanna to playtest here 😀
Serapah Mirange Shaman
- 1Earth Shock1
- 1Evolve1
- 1Lightning Bolt1
- 1Tunnel Trogg1
- 2Eternal Sentinel1
- 2Flametongue Totem2
- 2Stormcrack1
- 2Totem Golem2
- 2Tuskarr Totemic2
- 3Elemental Destruction1
- 3Hex2
- 3Lightning Storm1
- 4Master of Evolution2
- 5Hallazeal the Ascended1
- 5Hammer of Twilight1
- 5Thunder Bluff Valiant1
- 6Fire Elemental2
- 6Thing from Below2
- 8Al’Akir the Windlord1