Is this deck good? I mean obviously this deck wants to activate all the armor sinergies and win with nzoth, but it doesnt have card draw. And ironforge is really bad because there are two four drops with deathrattle that ruined your nzoth.
Try to outlast them by answering their gul’dan and n’zoth with your brawls and reckless flurry. I feel like this deck needs execute too for early cheated demons at least
Fibonacci’s list owns this by a mile
How do you beat Rin, Jade druid, or Razakus priest?
lol u don’t
Why is execute never used in CW anymore?
Is this deck good? I mean obviously this deck wants to activate all the armor sinergies and win with nzoth, but it doesnt have card draw. And ironforge is really bad because there are two four drops with deathrattle that ruined your nzoth.
-2 Ironforge Portal, -1 Bladed Gaunlet, -1 Alley Armorsmith.
+2 Acolyte of Pain, +2 Blood Razor.
Keep tinkering!
That deck doesnt win against midrange.. When your armor is beoken you lose
How do you win against demo control with this ?
You can’t win against all archetypes. It’s the average winrate that counts. Deck theme is well thought out.
Try to outlast them by answering their gul’dan and n’zoth with your brawls and reckless flurry. I feel like this deck needs execute too for early cheated demons at least
No Dead Man’s Hand?
Psychic Scream does it for you!