General Mulligans
Meeting stone is very powerful vs control and against slightly slower decks. Against hunter explosive trap is key, and against decks that don't flood the board, but need to be slowed down freezing trap is also good. Other cards are situational. Vs priest or warlock you can keep more expensive cards or look for meeting stone. Be careful of playing double meeting stone e.g. with coin because your hand will get clunky fast. The secrets can also defend meeting stone if that's needed.
A control hunter that can also be the early aggressor and has some heavy late game punch. I’ve beaten priest, as well as face hunter and aggro shaman. The aggro decks are the most dangerous, but good use of secrets can set up an effective defense. I’m 4-1 on legend so far with this and also played it from diamond 5 to 4 before switching to an aggro deck (shaman) to make legend.
Very fun deck. Meeting Stone wrecks priest, but it’s pretty bad against aggro. I’d swap one or both copies with ooze if you queue into a lot of Shamans, the worst matchup of the deck
Thanks! Ye aggro is the main problem. Ooze sounds good! Ill look at working it into the deck.
The other problem I have is the amount of times Nagrand slam works its way into my hand at the mulligan!