Protect your Lesser Emerald Spellstone with Loatheb or Mojomaster Zihi.
Use Mojomaster Zihi against slower decks to delay DK’s, big minions, removal spells or combo’s.
Protect your Lesser Emerald Spellstone with Loatheb or Mojomaster Zihi.
Use Mojomaster Zihi against slower decks to delay DK’s, big minions, removal spells or combo’s.
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Tried it out nice it worked
Thanks, I made the decklist while being on my job and knew I forgot a card but couldn’t remember – I actually forgot Subject 9 lmao!
-1 Venomstrike Trap
+1 Subject 9
Zul’jin ?
I tried with it but most of the time you already win before turn 10.
So I replaced it with Zihi to counter the slower decks a bit by delaying their spells, DK’s and surprisingly some combo decks like Anyfin Paladin as example.