Here is a budget Mage deck with a secrets package and freeze elements. The deck is designed to lock down the board and keep a clear path for developed minions to hit the opponents face. Cards fit into three general “Packages”: Freeze, Secret, and Support.
Freeze Package: Here is your board lock down cards and late game minion threats.
Glacial Shard: Usually best to play if going second, but still great to lock down an opposing threat. Great to use on turn six as a cheap Cryomancer activator.
Frost Bolt: An auto include in any freeze deck this is a cheap lock down or removal card. Usually use for board threats however if ahead can be amply applied to opponents face.
Shatter: The “Freeze Package” makes this card work consistently. There are 10 cards in this deck that can help activate Shatter which equates to cost effective removal.
Frost Nova: Cheap board lock down for pushing damage to face. Usually best used when a Cryomancer is out to keep opponents minions from trading.
Water Elemental: A solid body to develop on the board, a great activator of Cryomancer. This is all around an essential part of the “Freeze Package”.
Cryomancer: The late game carry of the deck, try to keep this in reserve until an activator is present. Sometimes that means waiting until turn six to play off of an Glacial Shard.
Blizzard: Your late game board lock down, between this and Frost Nova that will give your 4 turns off uninterrupted face hitting.
Secret Package: This package provides card draw, minion protection, and board development with mana efficient cards and combos.
Arcanologist: A core addition to the “Secret Package”, this not only is a developed body on the board, with 4 secrets to find in the deck, this card is pretty much automatic card draw.
Kirin Tor Mage: Another core card of the “Secret Package” this card is great in combination with a secret and helps to get ahead in value.
Mirror Entity: The offensive part of the “Secret Package” this secret is great for matching opponents attempts at developing an opposing board. Great when played after Kirin Tor Mage.
Counterspell: When you have minions developed on the board, Counterspell is the perfect secret to keep your minions safe. The “Freeze Package” helps to limit your opponents minion movement and Counterspell keeps the opponents removal in check.
Supporting Package: Here the supporting card draw, burn, and lock down to round out the deck.
Mana Wyrm: A strong opener for Mage in general and the best for this deck. Use this to take control of the board early and rely on its synergy with 12, 3 mana or less spells that can be played in the next few turns.
Arcane Intellect: Not part of either package but an essential components to keep the deck rolling. The freezing mechanics helps to reduce the need for card draw as generally playing a “Freeze Package” card will stall out the opponents board for another turn.
Fireball: Great for either continuous board control or burn damage if the opponents health starts to get very low. Use as the situation requires.
Polymorph: Here is some last resort lock down from huge threats of the other side that cannot be pushed past (Shatter) or burned down efficiently (Fireball).
Pyroblast: To close out games that have required too much burn and resources being spent on board lock down, Pyroblast comes as a strong finisher to the deck.
Seriously, where is ice block? 😐
It is tagged as “budget” and comes in at under 1500 dust – since Ice Block is an epic they maybe wanted to leave it out.
Besides, this isn’t really a Freeze Mage deck in the classic sense by the looks of it; you’re not stalling for a big combo with Alex or Atonidus – it’s much more minion-focussed with freezes to lock out the enemy minions while you smack your opponent with yours. Then Fireball/Pyroblast to push to lethal.
I suspect it’ll fare poorly against Quest Warrior – Paladin’s Spikeridged Steed is also going to cause problems, actually I suspect any taunt-heavy deck could scupper this as freezing those minions doesn’t mean you can ignore them for a turn and go face.
I think this should be called Frozen mage. It could be a new archetype but right now it’s missing some tools
No dude Elsa mage just Let It Go