This deck might be trying to do too much, but it has some insane power and value, Kathrena is the only non-beast minion in the deck so Master’s Call can draw 3 minions fairly often (including Subject 9). Boomzooka works really well with most of the minions in the deck and if it’s turn 10 you can Boomzooka then Revenge of the Wild. and the turn after you can Zul’jin and do it all over again while re-gaining all your secrets and filling your board with minions. In fact, if you survive to that point, the only problem is that your deck might be pretty empty by then (having drawn most/all of your secrets and beasts between Subject 9, Master’s Call, Kathrena and Boomzooka).
Secret Boomzooka Zul’jin Hunter
- 2Crackling Razormaw2
- 2Explosive Trap1
- 2Freezing Trap1
- 2Rat Trap1
- 2Revenge of the Wild2
- 2Snake Trap1
- 2Snipe1
- 2Venomstrike Trap1
- 2Wandering Monster2
- 3Master’s Call2
- 5Lesser Emerald Spellstone2
- 6Deathstalker Rexxar1
- 6Savannah Highmane2
- 6Swamp King Dred1
- 7Flark’s Boom-Zooka1
- 8Kathrena Winterwisp1
- 9King Krush1
- 10Zul’jin1