Seb0815 Anti Meta Aggro Shaman

Class: Shaman - Format: kraken - Type: aggro - Season: season-33 - Style: ladder

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Aggro Mulligans

Keep Flametongue Totem if you got a Buccaneer + 1 other of the mulligan cards. Paired with Small-Time Buccaneer and Patches The Pirate it's just nuts.

Versus Pirate decks it's the better decision to play the Maelstrom Portal before any minion if you can clear their board within the first 2 turns.

Versus Pirate Warrior you can also keep a Lightning Bolt to kill their Bloodsail Raider - but you have to got at least 1 other 1 mana drop along it.

Control Mulligans

Try to get a better Hero Power (Warlock > Hunter - Druid - Mage) asap. Get as much value out of your Spirit Claws with Thalnos. If you don't draw Sir Finley Mrrgglton you can go for a spell damage totem.

Actual Winrate from Rank 12 to 4: 67%

Winrate versus Warrior: 71%

The deck has a advantage versus Pirate Warrior and other Aggro Shaman decks because they can’t handle the Earth Elemental and we got the chance of value them out with Finley. Renolocks getting rushed down most of the time too.

Versus Dragon Priest (Reno or not) you have a slight disadvantage but you can manage to rush them own in 40% of the time too.

They cards sees more plays now due to Pirate Warriors. They just cannot remove him without sacrificing their minions or taking 7 face damage.

Earth Elemental provides some unforseen burst options with the Tunnel Trogg and also protects him very well – keep that in mind. It’s also our little surprise for Pirate Warriors.

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