Aggro Mulligans
Reno is a must even if you are first to play.
Most of the card choices are self explanatory, always try to maximize your crystals and don't be hasty with the boardclears, especially vs Patron (hellfire) or Shaman decks.
Control Mulligans
Vs Control matchups it kinda depends on who you're facing.
If it's a Priest, you can always keep a bigger minion if you already have one or two good early game cards. Twilight Drake is still a huge pain in the a** every single time, and can be a good Entomb target given all the option you have late game.
Vs CW, don't worry too much about the Leeroy Combo, you can always turn it around with a good Jaraxxus filling up the board.
Wassup everybody!
I just reached rank 5 with this deck, been using it since rank 17, and it can easilly reach legend.
I usually like to play good grinding matches so laddering up can take a while but it sure is fun with a deck like this!