I believe that in the whole history of Hearthstone, even if it not so long, Thrall has never been so powerful. The Old Gods have rewarded the Shaman giving him a newfound strength.
This deck is actually pretty cheap! I don’t use any legendary card!
This particular Midrange Shaman deck list is centered around totem synergy. It uses Thunder Bluff Valiant , and Thing from Below to take advantage of your Hero Power and the rest of the totems in your deck. I use one DRANEI TOTEMCARVER instead of Flamewreathed Faceless because, in late game, it can be a very huge drop for 4 mana and the next turn you aren’t overload for two mana!
Lightning Storm can easily control the board (always remember to use your hero power before Lightning storm if you don’t already have Wrath Of Air Totem!) , and in case of huge minions Hex is your best answer!
Doomhammer is a great finisher with Rockbiter Weapon or it could be use for a very useful trade in case of a big board!
If you’d like to add me on Bnet (EU), my tag is Sbalki#21972. You’re welcome to spectate me anytime as well. I’m probably going to continue tweaking this deck. Feel free to ask any questions. Enjoy!
80% in Casual or Ranked?