Savjz’s Reno Kazakus Dragon Priest – Rank 1 Legend – (December 2016, Season 33)
- 1Northshire Cleric1
- 1Pint-Size Potion1
- 1Power Word: Shield1
- 1Twilight Whelp1
- 2Kabal Courier1
- 2Shadow Word: Death1
- 2Shadow Word: Pain1
- 2Wyrmrest Agent1
- 3Holy Nova1
- 3Kabal Talonpriest1
- 4Drakonid Operative1
- 4Kazakus1
- 5Dragonfire Potion1
- 5Kabal Songstealer1
- 5Raza the Chained1
- 6Cabal Shadow Priest1
- 6Entomb1
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Should this even be played without the BRM cards? I have literally everything else.
I was thinking about replacing Twilight Whelp with faerie dragon and blackwing corrupter with sylvanas, but I’m not sure.
Why is raza so important?? only thing he does, is make your heal 2 cost 2 less
I’ve been playing this deck all day. Seems bad. What’s the win condition? That’s right. There isn’t one.
That you can’t clearly see a win condition in the form of a combo finish ala Renolock doesn’t mean there are no win condition…
Depending on the matchup you can act as a midrange deck, trading and going face when possible or you can win by outvaluing your opponent etc.
i replace
-cabal shadow priest for justicar
-pin size potion for potion of madness (because i replace cabal shadow priest)
-dirty rat for holy smite (its faster)
-cabal songstealer for deathwing ( deathwing good vs jade druid=worst match up)
Any replacements for Chillmaw and Dirty Rat?
Chillmaw you can use something like Ragnaros, Sylvanas, or Nefarian. Blackwing Technician might work for Dirty Rat.
All this has been asked already. Might wanna check the other comments. But to summarize it:
I’d also recommend any “big” dragon to compensate the loss of Chillmaw. You might need them as an enabler for your other battlecry dependent cards. Sylv is fine too i think but i’d prefer Justicar instead.
I couldn’t test the deck out yet, but i think it’s a pretty good tech card, especially against Aggro decks and as posted further down to counter Control decks with the use of MCT.
I replaced Dirty Rat with Blackwing Tech. – I think it’s mostly in as a card vs Pirate Warrior, but it has some other uses – but mostly I found it tough to play. Won 9 in a row since changing, although deck was already working well before.
No this card I have found is for Reno lock. I save it too close to end then draw out one of their finishing cards or even 2 with bran. It can remove win condition and give you the game. It’s awesome card. Anti leeroy Jenkins
Hi Folks,
got a question regarding the necessity of Kabal Songstealer… What pros does this card provide in the current meta and is it replacable? Maybe for:
– Justicar
– Shadow Word: Horror
– Excavated Evil
– low cost dragon
– Thoughtsteal
I now that all these cards have their pros and cons, but i’m curious about the inclusion of Kabal Songstealer.
Greetings from Germany and have a nice evening!
good point, would like to hear ops opinion. I think its inside because hes a dragon, hes a 5/5 for 5 + silence. Justicar would be the best replace card…
btw how do you guys fight jade druids? i think they are huge vs this deck
shit he isnt even a dragon xD
That’s exactly the point why i’m asking… If it’d be a dragon okay, but just a 5/5 with silence… in the current meta i can only think of the “normal” DR minions (like Sylv, Aya Blackpaw etc.) or the buffed minions from Buffadin or anything compared to this deck where you need a silence for.
I too think, that the Jade Druids are our Nemesis as a Reno Priest. Couldn’t find a way around the growing jade golems in the very late game… unfortunately
Did you have any experience playing against a Jade Rogue?
Jade druids you need to go fast against and use rat+brann+mind control tech to draw those battlecries. Silence or entomb aya. Every golem kept out of the game is a small win. I have no problems vs. jade druids. Problems come vs reno locks because of jaraxxus but even then went from 15-10 in a few hours. Good deck.
I find it super useful vs Reno lock take out a 4/9 dragon to a 4/1 or sylvannas etc also comes in handy vs shaman
I usually win by just going face. They have too much value lategame, try to curveout and rush them down
HI, I have 3200 dust, which two legendaries should i craft (Raza, Kazakus or Ysera) and how should i replace the last legendary ?
Raza and Kazakus would be the ones to craft for this particular deck. Nefarian, Sylvanas, another strong legendary for Ysera.
Wouldn’t Raza be that much stronger if you run Justicar?
I’m surprised there’s no justicar or shadowform… Normally you’d run one of them?
Not really. Since This is a Dragon Deck, its fairly Minion based. You need your hero power to heal your minions. When it comes to Justicar, Maybe he simply doesn’t have room for it, or doesn’t feel its needed.
replacement for brann?
Blackwing Technician or Faerie Dragon.
Is Raza the Chained, core in this deck? If not, swap for Sylvanas?
It’s seeming pretty core at this point.
Yes you can
Replace for Raza please?
No.. he is completely necesary, can’t replace him. Your gonna have to Craft him or play something else
Any substitutes for chillmaw?
You can try Sylvanas but the taunt is pretty important.
Honestly I think being a dragon is more important than taunt here. Try Alex or maybe Nefarian instead. Otherwise you might be short on enablers.
Is Dirty Rat really important? ‘Cause I don’t feel that it worth 400 dust.
It’s good if u have a entomb or death in your hand
Can som1 explain me why u woud put in dirty rat inside a deck
I’m guessing it’s a tech card against pirate warrior? Seems pretty risky in basically every other matchup though.
Brann + Dirty Rat + MCTech is pretty gross. Can win games by snatching really important cards from your opponents hand and taking them/killing it when its easy for you.
Because of the versatility. Against pirate aggro its a 2/6 taunt turn 2, which negates their helpful battlecry effect or at worst drops something that fucks u up.
against control, you want to play this when u have single target removal in hand to maybe capture a bomb or prevent a bomb from going off. IE, forcing out their reno, alextraza, etc.
RNG is involved.. but you are playing a reno deck. get used to versatility over consistency
That’s actually really cool, i didn’t think about the interaction with MC Tech. Neutering opposing battlecries seems relevant in this meta too.
Also good with entomb…
It’s insane against Renolock. You can snatch Jaraxxus as well as faceless and leeroy
It’s good against aggro, as you’ll generally pull off a weaker minion and against control, since you can prevent certain cards from triggering their battlecries: most notably Reno, Justicar etc.
Putting somebody’s minions out of their hand is better than it sounds. They most likely wouldn’t want to play it in that situation not to mention it makes battle cries devoid.
Can Alexstrasza substitute Chillmaw?
Maybe, you’ll be weaker to Midrange and better against control.
Would Alextrasza or Deathwing be good substitution for Ysera?
They would work, Alexstrasza is probably better.
would Nefarian work instead of Ysera?
Nefarian gives you two class specific spells from your opponent at the immediate turn, so you can use them in the next one. Value depends on the class you’re facing and the RNG.
Ysera gives you one of five random cards, including AoE clear, minions and kind of single target removal for one turn. But you only get one card a turn. If Ysera survives = more value…
As another plus for Ysera you’ll need hard removal to kill it!