Has anyone done the combo and had it not work then just be sitting there with no cards and no deck and a Mecha’thun on the board? That just happened to me.
Any good cards that could replace Zola? I don’t have dust for her rn but I love the idea of this deck.Would Baleful Bunker work or should i just put another deathrattle minion to get Amara faster?
Baleful Bamker could work, the main reason for Zola is to copy an Amara, the only problem with Baleful is that you put 1 extra card to draw, and you need to draw all your deck to use this deck main win condition
2. Arrive at an endgame where you have these and only these five cards in-hand—Reckless Experimenter, Coffin Crasher, Ticking Abomination (x2), and Mecha’thun—and nothing on board. (Psychic Scream helps.)
3. Play the first four cards mentioned above IN THAT ORDER. End your turn. Win the game.
(Reckless discounts the next three. When your turn ends, the deathrattles die in order. Coffin Crasher pulls Mecha’Thun, then each dying Abomination deals 5 damage to it. Easy peasy!)
It’s actually very easy, Hemet will basically give you the cards you require and the rest of the cards are of such low mana you can easily get rid of them, it’s probably the most consistent mechathun deck but yes, at first glance it might look a bit complicated.
Has anyone done the combo and had it not work then just be sitting there with no cards and no deck and a Mecha’thun on the board? That just happened to me.
The only REAL problem is not being able to control whether your opponent drops anything on their side of the board before your turn.
Nevermind lol
Any suggestions for what to replace Zola with?
Any good cards that could replace Zola? I don’t have dust for her rn but I love the idea of this deck.Would Baleful Bunker work or should i just put another deathrattle minion to get Amara faster?
Baleful Bamker could work, the main reason for Zola is to copy an Amara, the only problem with Baleful is that you put 1 extra card to draw, and you need to draw all your deck to use this deck main win condition
6-0 with this so far, rank 5 0 stars to rank 4 americas
Quite effective though, basically Awaken and Amara keep you alive (theoretically) so you can pull off the combo.
with a credit card obviously
How does it work?
1. Play the deck like normal Quest Priest.
2. Arrive at an endgame where you have these and only these five cards in-hand—Reckless Experimenter, Coffin Crasher, Ticking Abomination (x2), and Mecha’thun—and nothing on board. (Psychic Scream helps.)
3. Play the first four cards mentioned above IN THAT ORDER. End your turn. Win the game.
(Reckless discounts the next three. When your turn ends, the deathrattles die in order. Coffin Crasher pulls Mecha’Thun, then each dying Abomination deals 5 damage to it. Easy peasy!)
Lol, that is by far the most complicated Mecha’Thun turn I’ve seen so far haha! Fun though!
It’s actually very easy, Hemet will basically give you the cards you require and the rest of the cards are of such low mana you can easily get rid of them, it’s probably the most consistent mechathun deck but yes, at first glance it might look a bit complicated.
thanks for this!
not ture
Are you Leigh and Limahl’s brother?
At Liam Davies that is