Experimental: The deck should be considered a work in progress.
Savjz has put together a crazy Malygos combo deck with Shaman! This deck is made to stall the game until you’re able to get Emperor Thaurissan on the board. Once that’s done, you can use Ancestor's Call to get a 4 cost Malygos and then hopefully finish off your opponent with your myriad of burn spells. This is not a competitive deck, but should be a ton of fun when all goes to plan!
Update: -1 Stormforged Axe, -2 Feral Spirit, -1 Lava Burst, -1 Lightning Storm, +1 Rockbiter Weapon, +1 Doomhammer, +2 Fire Elemental, +1 Gadgetzan Auctioneer
I think that nowadays Mana Tide Totem would be more efficient
I agree,Thor is a good name 2! Any idea for replace a 1 doomhammer 1 elemental destrucction 1 healing wave?
I like this deck, but have one point of criticism, the name, since you use the two hammers, ever considered to rename to Thor-Shaman? hammer and lightning, the Norse god of thunder?