The idea around this deck is to use Sacrificial Summoners one Nerubian Eggs on curve to ideally get a free shadowborn and reduce the cost of either shadow walts or tamsin’s phylactery. Then you can make a huge board with strong deathrattles like 5/8 taunt bodies with burning blade acolyte, or make a huge minion by eating the can’t attack minions with void terror/humongous razorleaf and have lethal pretty easily with battleground battlemaster.
A lot could be switched around in this deck. The crossroads watchpost can work very well against spell heavy decks but they aren’t necessary. Could add more silences instead as I find most of my wins involve a well placed silence of some kind. Some more 1-2 cost minions could be added to have more consistent early curve, also could add more card draws like famished fools. Don’t think Gigafin is necessary either. I’m having a lot of fun with this deck but I’m sure it could be made even better. Grimoire of sacrifice can be very good with wicked shipment or nerubian egg against aggro decks so you could run 2 copies, same with burning blade acolyte for the deathrattle.
Just playing around with another variant of this deck using dredger staff and Michievous imps, it can be very strong early
Here against token druid, Okani and Amalgam made the come back possible.