General Mulligans
if you have Freshman then search for PW:Feast
if you have Initiate then search for PW:Shield
if you have Homonculus then search for Apotheosis or dragonmaw overseer or Rager to drop on t3
If you have any of the above 1 drops then getting a copy of Inner Fire or Chaplain is also good
The idea is to make good trades early to take control over the board vs more aggresive decks or to snowball a minion against slower deck
The game plan: Gain board presence, make favorable trades and once avaible combo out a big hit with inner fire
Mindrender Illucia – she is bonkers in any priest deck. Prevents a board wipe or hard removal to set up a hit to face. Hardcounters combo decks or any 2 round big plays. Provides Tempo if you run out of fuel in later turns. Maybe might even give you a lethal with direct face damage stolen from DH, rogue or hunter!