General Mulligans
Rampity Ramp! Generally you want to mulligan for ramp, so that you can hit faster that sweet 5-7 mana threshhold where you can just taunt after taunt after taunt.
Aggro Mulligans
Removal is prerium, since you don't want to get eaten away with that Tunnel Trogg that just did he's 15th damage to your face and is still going. Innervate also helps you a ton, if you can pull out an ealy Bear or a Cat. Also don't hesitate to Ramp if you get your Taunts faster with that even if you would take some more damage because of that.
Midrange Mulligans
Pretty basic stuff here too. It's hard to determine if Shaman or Warrior is Aggro, Midrange or Control, but against Hunter it's gona be always Midrange. Darnassus Aspirant is a really good keep with coin and Living Roots/Wrath, since it contests Fiery Bat and you can protect it with removal. Hardly any Hunter keeps Quick Shot in their opening hand agains Druid and Doomsayer is kinda meh answer since you can use your extra mana anyways and just keep Ramping.
Control Mulligans
Control and Combo mulligans are just batshit crazy. These kind of games are just nuts when you Coin + Innervate + Nourish + Wild Growth on turn 2, and then follow up with turn 3 Dark Arakkoa and so on. Only safe Combo and Control assumptions are Rogue and Priest, since you kinda don't give a damn of their daggers and puny little Curators. Even Warrior now-a-days is almost always Tempo, Dragon or Aggro.
This is quite simply the best deck in the game. You can try cool brews with new cards or jam C’Thun decks like everyone likes to do right now but, if you wanna win, you play this.
Nice to hear you like it. I’m not saying it’s the best deck in the game right now, but I sure think pros underestimate it quite alot – tho Neobility did hit Rank 1 legend with a Ramp Druid list similar to this.
I think it’s complicated but, any replacement for Fandral :/
First I thought of Spellbreaker, but it’s not necessary if you are not facing alot N’Zoth decks. It does kinda help against Darkshire Counsilman, but then again it dies so easily to a 1/1 token buffed by Abusive Sergeant or Dark Iron Dwarf. Keeper of the Grove should be better against Zoo tho.
If you want to go greedier you can swap it for another lategame threath like Deathwing, Ysera, Onyxia, Arch-Thief Rafaam or Soggoth the Slitherer (or North Sea Kraken if you are going budget).
You can also try Savage Roar especially if you put Onyxia in your deck.
Darnassus Aspirant should be a fine replacement also or if your hand feels too clogged with it in the earlygame (bad synergy with Wild Growth, that’s why I include only one) you should try some random 4-drop like Violet Teacher.
Oooor if you are facing alot of weapon classes I would suggest Acidic Swamp Ooze. I’m pretty sure i’m teching one in, because new season arrises and people will be playing Aggro Warrior alot for sure.
Hope these tips help ^^
Thanks a lot for the answer π