So this is a deck that I like to play every once in a while. In the early stages of the deck building process, the deck included a lot more Inspire cards (such as Tournament Medic or Kvaldir Raider), but some of the traditional cards found in Renolock were just too good to not be included. So in the end, this is a rather normal Renolock list with just a few cards that stand out.
Maiden of the Lake is actually a pretty decent minion if you want to use your hero power as often as possible and with 6 health, it’s quite sticky for a 4drop. Nexus-Champion Saraad and Garrison Commander are mostly used after you transformed into Lord Jaraxxus because getting two 6/6 tokens at once is an immediate threat and getting one 6/6 token next to Saraad gives you a strong board presence on top of the extra spell. Additionally, there are Kodorider and Frost Giant. The first Kodo demands an immediate answer or else you get so far ahead on the board that your opponent won’t be able to keep up anymore. Frost Giant is actually just included for gimmick purposes and could easily be replaced by Mountain Giant. But since this is an Inspire-themed deck, Frost Giant got the nod over his friend from the mountains (even though there’s probably also a way to fit him in here too).
Never had a chance to use my Frost Giant seriously – thank you for a really cool deck to use him in!!