The return of Gadgetzan Auctioneer and Miracle Rogue continues! Ryzen completed his journey to legend with this version of the deck. Xaril, Poisoned Mind has proven to be a strong addition to the deck, giving you usable cheap spells to draw cards and deal damage. Violet Teacher is a nice addition to the deck and helps you build a board.
Update: +1 Conceal, +1 Leeroy Jenkins, -1 Shiv, -1 Earthen Ring Farseer
Dude is it really possible to reach legend with miracle rogue? I tried and played too much but i couldnt get better rank than 7 against those retarded shaman hunter decks
What do u think it seems its pretty shit against aggro decks
It would be pretty difficult right now, Miracle Rogue is fairly low tier at the moment.
This deck is complete shit. It doesn’t do anything vs midrange shaman or any other deck. I can’t get to turn 6 most of the time. i get bursted down too fast. The deck is not good.
Thalnos replacement?
Second Earthen Ring Farseer or Violet Teacher.
I’m sorry but what is the win condition in this deck? Board control?
The win condition is generally drawing a bunch of cards with Gadgetzan Auctioneer, hiding it with Conceal, then using Cold Blood/Eviscerate to burst down your opponent. You can also sometimes pair this with a huge Edwin VanCleef that you can Conceal as well.
I want to craft Xaril, VanCleef and Thalnos, but i just have dust for 2 of them… What you guys think is more important? Which one of them can be replaced?
I’d go with VanCleef and Thalnos. Cleef is used in every rogue deck, and Thalnos has more broad applications than Xaril does since he’s neutral.
Replacement for xaril?
Second Violet Teacher.
Can tomb pillagers be replaced by sth else?!
Maybe second Deadly Poison and Violet Teacher.
Vancleef replace?
Second Violet Teacher.
Hello, ive been searching for a good mill deck since the wog emerged, could you recommend me a decent one for this meta please, i would be ever greatfull.
I haven’t seen one, sorry!
there is a version out there for a druid, naturalize, cold light and brann and mulch i think.
was wondering if this deck can fit in the good old Leeroy Jenkins? any opinions?
I’d be more likely to run a Southsea Deckhand. You could cut an Earthen Ring Farseer for either though.
That’s another variation of miracle (Firebat) but in that case you should use Deckhand + Faceless Manipulator to activate the right combo.
You can still play Deckhand without Faceless. Yes, it reduces the combo’s potency, it just requires you to do more damage upfront.
Leeroy is good! – 1 Violet Teacher + 1 Leeroy
Very similar to miracle deck i’m using actually in the ladder. It runs properly.
1 Violet Teacher and 1 Shadow Strike are good choices to have flexibility.
i don’t understand the downvote, he always plays rogue