I’m currently at Rank 4 with this deck climbing quite fast.
It has a good curve, very good synergy and lots of cards that can win you the game instantaneously.
Important to not use your resources like Whirlwind and Blood Razor without having other cards to combo it with. Understand who your playing against and decided whether you want to play more control early because they’ll run out of steam or if you want to be super aggressive because they have more late game cards. It can do both very effectively which is why this deck has lots of success.
Some cards are worth holding on to for the magical end turn such as Mossy Horror when the board is filled with cheap taunts or even all your charge minion to surprise 10 burst damage.
Always try to set up lethal with cards in hand and make your opponent miss judge the deck.
Its an underrated and unseen deck on ladder and this is why I decided to post my infamous deck 😉