Aggro Mulligans
Earth shock is great against a lot of annoying 1 drops such as Fiery Bat, Argent Squire or Possessed villager, and it's good to curve out if you don't have a 1 drop in hand or if you Coin+Totem Golem on turn 1.
Tuskarr Totemic can be kept if you have coin in hand and also have a 1 drop minion in hand.
[Hi guys, Tazz here!
Been playing this deck this season, Dragons are my favorite archetype, and everyone knows how strong Dragon Warrior is due to the synergy with the class cards Warrior has.
In Shaman, you can use a lot of cards to complement the Midrange Dragon scheme, and some of them are preeeetty good π
As the name suggests, Rumbling elemental has done a lot of work for me!
There are a lot of Battlecry minions in this deck, and not a lot of overload so you’ll be able to play on curve frequently without waste of mana. The deck doesn’t run the usual Frost Wolves or Dr.4, but instead rellies on getting control of the board early with your 1/2 drops, and most of the time once you drop Tunel Trogg or Totem Golem the assume it’s aggro.
Don’t be greedy with Brann Bronzebeard, don’t worry if you play it on curve if necessary, there are a lot of ways to win without it’s double battlecry advantage.
I felt like 1 Fire Elemental was better, 2 Drakonid Crusher helps with the dragon count.
Deathwing helps in control matchups, just make sure they used they’re clears before (ex: deadly shot, hex, execute) if you don’t want to feel rekt π
Feel free to give me feedback on anything I can improve on the deck, i think it really has potential since it helped me to rank 5 this season so far π