Ruby went 14 and 1 on their way to nabbing the #1 spot that was eventually taken by Gyong and their Miracle Rogue!
Ruby’s #1 Legend Combo Dragon Priest (January 2018)
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Ruby went 14 and 1 on their way to nabbing the #1 spot that was eventually taken by Gyong and their Miracle Rogue!
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is there an alternative card for netherspite historian?
It wouldn’t be the most consistent, but faerie dragon would mean your dragons activate with the same frequency
Does aggro stomp you ? I mean this list doesn’t contain any of the anti-aggro cards like tar creeper , pain , etc . Is it worth to try to tech it a bit ?
Guys, I accidentally came up with an idea for this deck while playing a game against a control warrior. Historian offered me with Temporus, which I picked, then proceeded with setting up my Twilight drake for the 64 dmg lethal. Maybe Temporus has a permanent spot in this deck?
interesting idea. It’s more of a tech card, and it’s likely the only reason you survived the double turn was because you were facing an odd warrior. Maybe, but aggro decks would destroy you. I’ll have to try the idea though!
I have developed a list on this account which is a lot stronger against cubelock and overall more consistent across the board – check it out.
I’m just trying to promote an updated list because this archetype deserves more play as its incredibly strong if you can pilot it well.
is this troll? I’m in 10 lose streak with this.
Nah you’re just bad XDDD
With a similar deck “snoodyboo” reach legend 7 with a new account in 17 hours.
Went from rank 4 to 3 and back. Highlander priest is a free win, but any tempo/midrange deck is really hard. EU is full of demon lock = no chance. Besides duskbreaker, you have no board clear. And often when you have duskbreaker, you lack another dragon. Once you’re behind, there’s no comeback clear like dragon potion or psychic scream. Do not recommend for climbing.
Save your twilight acolyte for a voidlord, then potion of madness plus the Inner Fire combo should win you the game.
is there a guide or advice for this deck, i know it seems pretty simple but….just wondering¿?
I bet Stormwind Knight never thought he’d be in a #1 Legend deck in 2018 lol!
Surprised noone thought of this yet! It’s a pretty viable 20 dmg to face with 10 mana
Yeah, always something good and new. The deck is so much fun and It works very well. Thanks
That would only be 9 mana, for 10 mana you could use a PWS too, which would make it a 28dmg stormwind knight
How is the stormwind knight used? Not sure i understand. Is it a charge target for inner fire / divine spirit? Curious if there aren’t better options (if that is the case).
Now he lives in fear, sitting there afraid of getting nerfed. 😀