RoS – Is Oblivitron Playable ?

Class: Hunter - Format: raven - Type: midrange - Season: season-61 - Style: theorycraft

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Unleash the Hounds only for aggressive matchups.

I wanted to build a deck around Oblivitron , which I sincerely think is a terrible card. Still, Hunter got it rough this extension, so let’s be nice and try to help him !

Nine Lives is an obvious synergy, so are Mechanical Whelp and  Spider Bomb (it’s probably what Blizzard had in mind, not really original so far). Ursatron is not amazing but it fits in nicely, plus Hunter is always kind of desperate for card draw. 

Weaponized Pinata is a tempo loss but can be valuable in slower matchups, and we really just need more mechs’ deathrattles for the synergy to be consistent. In an aggressive meta I would consider replacing it with two copies of Replicating Menace, which can both magnetize nicely on Ursatron and set up a target for Zilliax on curve (which is of course in the deck, do I even need to explain why?).

Now comes the real deckbuilding choice. Flark's Boom-Zooka just happens to have a fairly good synergy with the rest of the deck : on turn 8 it might be a winning play vs aggro, and vs control it offers some good value and set up for Nine Lives. The issue is that it prevents us from playing too many non-deathrattle and small minions, so Fireworks Tech just can’t make the cut, despite the obvious synergy. Same for Springpaw which I would have loved in there just to contest aggro’s early turns, or Archmage Vargoth – absurdely good with Nine Lives or just Unleash the Hounds , though perhaps a bit too greedy anyway. In the end I’m really not sure whether one should cut the BoomZooka and play these cards instead, but well, since the point of the deck was to help poor Oblivitron feel less lonely to begin with, I suppose charity toward the underplayed rocket-rhino fits the overall theme.

Note that both Zilliax and Houndmaster Shaw make the cut despite the anti-synergy with BoomZooka, because they are both a one-of, and strong enough to be worth the risk, I believe.

Finally, the rest is about surviving using just spells : Animal Companion , Deadly ShotUnleash the HoundsMarked ShotWing BlastBaited Arrow and one copy of Unleash the Beast. Now this is looking like a typical spell hunter shell, so slamming Zul'jin on top of it makes a lot of sense. And it also comboes nicely with Nine Lives for a lot of value in slow matchups.

At some point I thought about Explosive Trap for some AoE against aggros, which I fear will simply stomp on this deck (mrbrrrrgggll shaman in particular feels terryfing), but without secret synergies I don’t think it makes sense.

  I would conclude with some scolding for all those that did not yet understand that Tracking should be in ALL hunter decks whatsoever.

That’s all ! Hope it will work on ladder (but still skeptical, honnestly)

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