Rookz’s Resurrection OTK

Class: Priest - Format: mammoth - Type: control - Season: season-47 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

Generally, you want to get copies of your minions out ASAP and get them killed.  If a minion gets stuck in your hand, it has a higher chance of getting countered


-1 Pint-Sized Potion

-1 Shadow Word: Horror

+1 Holy Nova

+1 Holy Fire

These changes gives you reach through armor, more heals and some extra full board clears. It also makes Eternal Servitude more valuable in the late game as it can be used to heal/kill and stall.

Against control I trade out 1 Shadow Word: Pain for another Holy Nova

This deck combines elements of Big Priest and Combo Malygos giving it the “big deck of answers” feeling that Big Priest can have, along with the “big bucket of Whoop @$$ feeling of dropping Malygos and blowing up face.

Win Condition:

The Typical win condition of this deck is the OTK 3 card combo.  This includes Lesser Diamond Spellstone, Holy Smite and Mind Blast.

For the combo to work, Prophet Velen and Malygos  have to have hit the board and died.  Additionally, if Barnes was played, Lesser Diamond Spellstone needs to be upgraded at least once.

This deck also often wins by just smashing one of your infinite Velen’s or Maly’s into the opponent’s face then firing a Holy Smite or Mind Blast for the win.  You definitely don’t need to wait for the full combo to end the game.


Always keep Barnes.


Of course, the counters to this deck are anything that keep you from getting your Velen or Malygos killed.  This means 4 classes have a chance to counter your deck:  Priest (Mind Control , Polymorph from Kazakus’s spell), Mage (Polymorph , Counterspell ), Shaman (Hex and Devolve), and Rogue (Sap / Vanish via Mill).  Against one of these decks, always use your Shadow Visions  for damage spells (Holy Smite and Mind Blast) as it will open up more ways to win.


Save Barnes for turn 6 or later and play with Spirit Lash.  Use it as a board clear.  This cements the death of that minion and prevents Potion of Madness, Shadow Madness, or Cabal Shadow Priest from ruining your day.  Use your Shadow Visions for damage spells.   If you get stuck with Prophet Velen in your hand, try as hard as you can to play him on 7 so they have to kill him before mind control at 10.  If they play Kazakus and you get stuck with a minion in hand, try to keep resurrecting your other minion until you suck out the Kazakus spell (potential polymorph).  If a minion gets polymophed by Kazakus, make sure to upgrade your Lesser Diamond Spellstone to full before doing your combo (as you may resurrect the sheep).  If you get your only Prophet Velen or Malygos mind-controlled, go to the “I Got Countered” section for some ideas on how to still win.


The two banes of your existence are Hex and Devolve.  Mulligan hard for Barnes and Shadow Essence.  You’re gonna need some fake Velen/Maly’s to suck out the Hex.  If you get Prophet Velen or Malygos on the board and they don’t get immediately hexed, get them dead ASAP.  Dragonfire Potion your Velen if you have to.  Spirit LashHoly Smite your Malygos.  If you managed to killed both your Maly and Velen against a shaman, STOP RESURRECTING and wait for your combo.  If they Devolve 2 or more minions (not including the real barnes), your combo is broken.   If they break your combo, you’re going to have to win with either the other OTK options in my “I got countered” section, or by flooding the board with repeat resurrections until you have enough spell damage to win.  Sorry I don’t have more Shaman is your worst matchup.  Luckily they aren’t huge on ladder atm.


Mage’s counter’s aren’t really your problem.  Your problem is that the current tempo/secret mage that is popular is flooding the board AND dumping out counters, making you juggle between killing the minions and setting up combo.  I find, against that deck, it’s easier to just think of yourself as a control priest, and let their dumb legendary weapon Aluneth mill them to death.  (NOTE:  This is the only matchup where I suggest using your Shadow Visions to get a Greater Healing Potion instead of damage spells.)  If you’re facing any other mage deck, then you play fairly normally, with some slight attentiveness to PolymorphPotion of Polymorph and Counterspell.   If you’re stuck with Velen or Maly in hand, and Mage has a secret up (that didn’t die to a throw away spell), you may want to wait for Barnes rather than play Velen or Maly into Potion of Polymorph. If you get stuck with one of your minions in your hand but the other has died, try repeat playing the other with shadow essence, eternal servitude or your spare spellstone to suck out any polymophs.  And obviously, if a secret is up that you haven’t tested, don’t try for combo.  Just throw off any one of your non-combo spells and wait till next turn for combo.  Probably didn’t need to be said, but I’m nothing if not thorough.


Rogue’s one way to ruin your day is to mill your big boys.  Your first goal is to get Velen and Maly killed ASAP, then get some combo pieces in your hand.  Muligan for Barnes and Shadow Essence.  Rogue is the only matchup where I would consider holding onto Holy Smite or Mind Blast.   If rogue gets mill going, you’re just going to have to make due with
what you have left.  This means, before you get you milled you want as
many damage cards in your hand as possible. Shadow Visions should only be used for those two damage spells.  If your hand is getting to 7+ cards, play off your Pint-Sized Potion, Shadow Word: Pain , Shadow Word: Death, Dragonfire Potion, and Greater Healing Potion.  Be careful with Eternal Servitude if you haven’t killed both minions, as Sap and Vanish can clog your hand and mill your other combo piece. 

I got countered... Now What?

If you’re playing against a counter deck, try to only get Holy Smite or Mind Blast from your Shadow Visions.  This will open up more kill
options should one of your two minions not be resurrect-able.  Also, save your Eternal Servitude.  You can use these to create a new OTK opportunity, or just repeatedly flood the board until you get enough of your minions there to blow up face.

If they polymorphed or stole both your Maly or Velen, then it’s honorable seppuku time.  Find the concede button and learn from your mistakes. πŸ™‚  But honestly, this hasn’t happened to me yet, and is pretty easy to steer around.  If you just lost one, Don’t Fret!  You’re still totally in the game.  Thanks to Shadow Visions, there’s still 3 OTK possibilities in your deck depending on which minion you lost:

Eternal Servitude (Malygos or Velen) + 3 Mind Blast

Eternal Servitude (Malygos) + 4 Holy Smite

Eternal Servitude (Malygos) + 2 Mind Blast , 1 Holy Smite

And obviously, there’s nearly infinite combos to get over 20 dps if you’ve hit face once or twice.

Additional Piloting Tips:

Your first job is to murder your minions. If you’re playing against a deck with counters, you’d MUCH rather have a dead Velen/Malygos then your only Velen or Malygos on the board.  Don’t be afraid to use your extra spells to murder your minions.

Spirit Lash can easily get you back to full health and can occasionally be used as a full board clear.  Couple it with Eternal Servitude on Malygos for 7 damage to the board.

If you have 2 spellstones in hand (and dead Maly+Velen) but not the damage pieces of the combo, you can use Spirit Lash with your spare spellstone to clear basically any board and fully heal back up.  I’ve even used it at 1 health against an empty board and got back to full on murdering my own velen/Maly/barnes).

Using spirit lash after Barnes can guarantee the death of your Velen/Maly and prevent them from being poached or polymorphed.

Don’t be afraid to psychic scream your own minions into their deck, if they have died before.  I’m fine giving them a velen or a malygos if it buys me a turn or two for combo.

Please let me know if you have thy tips or thoughts!  I’d be happy to add any suggestions to the guide!

Edit:  Made some formatting fixes.

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Discuss This Deck
  1. Illuriel
    February 19, 2018 at 3:21 PM

    Nice deck, doesnt work 10 out of 10 games shadow essence gave me stupid Barnes and i lost the game…

  2. Orasha
    February 17, 2018 at 7:42 PM

    Really fun twist on big priest! Definitely amusing to kill the minions you’ve just cheated out. Plus, you deserve more upvotes and views for the quality of the guide alone!

    • Rookz - Author
      February 18, 2018 at 3:37 PM

      Thanks man, I really appreciate it. This is the first deck/guide I’ve ever made so i wanted it to be good. I’m still tinkering with it, but It seems to be a good middle tier deck. It stomps on Control Warlock and CubeLock, so it’s fun to play just for that πŸ™‚