Robinette took this Malygos Concede Shaman deck to Legend this season! Thanks to Robinette for allowing us to re-host this guide.
Control Shaman is one of my favorite decks in Hearthstone, I tried the deck at rank 2 and climbed over the last days to rank 39 legend EU (at the moment rank 43 at the 20th December). Due to broken PC I can only play on tablet, so unfortunately I didn’t track games. But the deck is in my opinion a really strong meta pick, so I want to present to you my spin on the archetype. I am a regular legend player, only once this year didn’t play to legend, with my most honorable success being 12 wins with Murloc Warlock in the Heroic Tavern Brawl (
Legend Proof:
More screenshots, if somebody wants to question if I really grinded with the deck (I played more than 100 games, maxed out the 100 gold/30 win cap twice while playing the deck):
General Gameplans and Match Ups
Pirate Warrior, Dragon Warrior, Aggro and Midrange Shaman
Double Earth Shock and Lightning Bolt gives you a consistent way to deal with 1 drops (Buccaneer) and with Lightning Storm, Elemental Destruction and Maelstrom Portal you will consistently clear their boards around turn 4-6. Often if you have a board clear into an Earth Elemental or White Eyes you just win. Barnes into Ancestral Spirit a minion or even Earth Shock an Earth Elemental can often also be an insta-win. Generally I keep healing wave or one earth elemental if I have at least one board clear in my starting hand against aggressive decks. You are highly favored against stuff like Pirate and Dragon Warrior and Aggro/Midrange Shaman.
(Key Cards: Lightning Storm, Elemental Destruction, Maelstrom Portal, Healing Wave)
Miracle Rogue
There are some special elements to the game against miracle rogue, Barnes into Earth Shock your own minion is especially a really strong tempo play against Rogue, or getting them to sap your ancestral spirited Barnes target. Using Earth Shock against Thalnos or denying a coin from Tomb Pillager slows Rogues down pretty much which is often exactly what you want. The tricky question is getting the balance between using Elemental Destruction too liberal vs getting out aggroed in the early game. Generally I usually use removal quite aggressively against Rogue which I think wins you more games in the long run. If you get into your heal and taunt phase you are generally pretty far ahead. The match up should be rather even
(Key Cards: Barnes, Earth Shock, Elemental Destruction)
I started playing with Malygos due to this match up. You have a 30 damage combo with Malygos double Lightning Bolt and Lava Shock if they give you time, for the rest you generally want to outheal and taunt them. The tricky question is how you go against Sylvanas Windrunner, sometimes if Handlock gets an early start you have to risk an all in Ancestral Spirit and just hope they don’t have it. If they don’t pressure you, a really lucky Dirty Rat is often the only way to lose
(Key Cards: Malygos, Lightning Bolt, Earth Shock, Emperor Thaurissan)
Jade Druid
One of the worst match ups, you generally need to pressure them, but if they get a snowball Jade beginning it is hard to comeback. If you however get an early Earth Elemental into Ancestral Spirit (or Barnes Ancestral Spirit pretty much whatever) you have a good chance. I didn’t face too many Druids, but generally I would say you are unfavored quite a bit
(Key Cards: Barnes, Earth Elemental, Ancestral Spirit)
Control Warrior and Jade Control Shaman
I met a couple, if you remove their threats and clear their board a White Eyes into double Ancestral Spirit is a really insane game winner near fatigue. Didn’t face too many but you should be highly favoured
(Key Cards: White Eyes, Ancestral Spirit)
Anyfin Paladin
Try to hex their murlocs, also get value from your Ancestral Spirits so they need to waste an eqaulity on one or two minions. I won against both I faced and would say you are highly favored.
(Key Cards: Hex, Ancestral Spirit)
Reno Mage
Faced 3, lost against all. I guess you want to pressure them and hope to avoid a good Polymorph from them, I failed at that.
(Key Cards: White Eyes probably)
Drakonid Operative is pretty cruel sometimes, this match up is highly dependent if they tech in Dragonfire Potion or even double Entomb. The good thing is you can overcome their early game pretty consistent with Elemental Destruction, but if they get too much value from their cards you are having a hard time. Malygos into Maelstorm Portal can be a key combo hear to clear their late game board a last time and get the White Eyes fatigue strategy in the end. I would say you are slightly unfavored, but I also didn’t face too many Priests.
(Key Cards: Malygos, Elemental Destruction)
Card Discussion
Board Clears (6 cards): Maelstrom Portal, Elemental Destruction, Lightning Storm
Absolute core cards that makes the aggro and midrange match ups so good
Heal Cards (4 cards): Hallazeal the Ascended, Healing Wave, Jinyu Waterspeaker
I found that 2 Jinyus often worked against Barnes, with the current list you can pretty much earth shock/ancestral spirit every pull. You could run 2 if you literally only face aggro warrior, but you are highly favourd with 1 anyways. Hallazeal and Healing Wave are important core cards because they really give you an edge over aggro and Rogue decks. If you only drew Barnes you also have a 1 in 7 to hit Hallazeal with barnes which won me a couple of games.
Hard Removal (2 cards): Hex
Best Removal in the game, clear auto-include.
Burst/Early Removal (4 cards + 1): Lightning Bolt, Lava Shock, Malygos
They are good against aggro, allow you not to lose too much tempo and give you a potential OTK. I just love the package. Ever since including Malygos I do way better against Renolock, also the potential to get a Barnes/Malygos plus spell on turn 6 is insane tempo, plus potential Ancestral Spiritting it.
Earth Shocks (2)
This is the current sleeper card in my opinion, it is insane against rogue (Tomb Pillager, Edwin, Thalnos, Questing), can get you insane tempo with barnes (earth elemental, 2 cards for a 10/11 turn 5), gives you a consistent way to deal with buccaneer turn 1 and of course deals with Twilight Drake. And even if all off this fails: A turn 10 Malygos 6 Damage Earth Shock is still really solid tempo.
Card Draw (4): Ancestral Knowledge and Far Sight
Far Sight enables Malygos combos to happen faster and more consistent and getting insane Taunt combos with Ancestral Spirit against Aggro. Ancestral Knowledge is also just really solid card draw especially with lava Shock
Value Cards (7): White Eyes, Emperor Thaurissan, Ancestral Spirit, Barnes, Earth Elemental
Emperor enables Malygos combos, Ancestral Spirit Combos and Hallazeal plays, plus high synergy with Barnes. Barnes has 7 targets in the deck, 6 are insane with either Earth Shock or Ancestral Spirit. Ancestral Spirit wins games on taunts against aggro and on stuff like White Eyes against control. Getting it off from Far Sight allows you to make insane tempo plays. Earth Elemental is just great against most decks except against rogues with sap. But if you get both saps out of the way a Ancestral Spirit on Earth Elemental is often gg.
White eyes a solid taunt that is good against every match up exceot Freeze Mage. Can win games against aggro and control. This card is what control shaman reallly needed to get over the edge
Cairne Bloodhoof: Wins games against Brawls, faced only one Brawl, not good in the current meta.
Sylvanas Windrunner: Very good against Druid and Priest, but I didn’t face them too much so I cut her. Useless against aggro and sometimes has Doomsayer backfire potential
Thing from Below: I used to run them, but they are not really optimal. I generally didn’t totem up against aggro decks because I needed to play stuff like Lightning Bolt and Lightning Storm, so they costed often 4 or 6 mana when I drew them in the midgame. And against control decks like Renolock a 0 Mana 5/5 just didn’t help at all.
Faceless Manipulator: Most decks can’t deal with one Earth Elemental and Ancestral Spirit, and for really long grindy games (except jade druid) White Eyes into double Ancestral Spirit should be good enough.
N'Zoth, The Corruptor: Too slow at the moment, especially after I cut Sylvanas and Cairne.
Concluding Remarks
Concede Shaman shines in an Aggro Meta, but also has a good chance against control decks. You shouldn’t play the deck if there are a lot of Jade Druids, Priests or OTK decks (and I guess Reno Mages). The consistent board clears you get in the midgame, combined with the OTK game strategy and snowball ancestral spirit combo gameplan or the simple outheal gameplan makes it a deck that can be played and built in numerous ways, which makes it a versatile and challenging deck.
Hope you liked the little guide.
I’m having a blast playing this deck. And I didn’t realize that Hallazeal heals you based on the *cumulative* damage inflicted on all your opponent’s minions. Drop Lightning Storm + spell damage on a full board of minions and you can recoup upwards of 30 health. Plus there’s nothing like Storm Guardian + Ancestral Knowledge against aggro.
How about adding in frost shock as some added combo spells for malygos and hit thier stupid face
Been playing this deck the last couple days and I do like it quite a bit. It does amazing work against aggro decks. Only time I lost to one was against a Warlock deck where I kept Emp in hand to get my combo off easier only to find out I was playing the one guy on ladder who was running a zoo deck.
I’ve played a couple reno mages and it doesn’t go well at all. I’ve played Druid twice and one game I got early tempo and another I got rolled by golems. Luckily they aren’t too relevant.
Played a couple games against taunt/buff warrior and one of those went quite poorly. Very hit or miss deck. Against oddball matchups it doesn’t perform too well. Against the mainstays(aggro/midrange shaman, renolock, pirate warrior) it performs phenomenally. I haven’t really played any Rogues so I can’t give any insight.
For reference I’m playing at rank 5 right now. I do feel like this deck is winning in spite of me piloting it as opposed to because I’m piloting it. Which is a good thing IMO. Means with some practice this deck will only perform better.
Very fun deck to learn to play. Could the OP explain some of the barnes earth shock combos?
“Barnes, with the current list you can pretty much earth shock/ancestral spirit every pull.”
Q. what minions summoned by barnes 1/1 copy, would you use your earth shock on and why is that necessary? Ancestral Spirit for the 1/1 makes more sense to me.
“can get you insane tempo with barnes (earth elemental, 2 cards for a 10/11 turn 5)…”
How does this work? barnes pulls elemental 1/1 taunt… then what is the last part mean: 2 cards for a 11/15 turn 5.
You can Eartshock any big minion pulled by Barnes. Because you silence the minion first and then deal 1 damage you will for example get a 4/11 Malygos or a 7/7 Earth Elemental.
And yes, you use the ancestral spirit on the pulled minion, not the Barnes.
Matchup with Handlock ??
So if I Earth Shock a 1/1 Earth Elemental (Created by Barnes) It will turn into 7/7 first (7/8 -1) before it will die?
First silence it and then it does a point of damage.
The spell reads: “Silence a minion THEN deal 1 damage”.
I remeber seeing Trump trying to get lethal against a 2 health oponent and a Flametongue next to a Spell Damage Totem. He Earth Shocked his totem, trying to kill it, but it dealt only 1 damage. It was a blast!
Thank you for your deck and for the guide!
Love the deck, love the grinding!
Cheers π
I just have one question after playing 24 games with the deck…
Quite positive. Find the dragon priest a very hard matchup thou!
So, how often do you save the Malyg full 30 damage combo? Because in most of the matches I’ve faced, you need the Lava Shock to not backfire when clearing the board and Lightning Bolt for early threats.
Maybe in slow matchups? There’s not very many in nowadays metagame…
Thank you in advance π
I am a big fan of control shaman and this is definitely interesting. Why don’t you include frost shock to get more out of malygos?
Deck is trash. 0-5 against mid range shamen, jade shamen, nzoth shamen, dragon rogue.
Update. I’ve been unable to win a game with this deck. π
With all the due respect sir, just because you lost 5 in a row with the deck it does NOT mean that the deck is bad.
5 games is not enough for evaluate and also maybe you are not playing correctly.
The matchups are very well explained and it’s logical what he says.
I like the deck and has a lot of potencial
I agree this deck is bad, but what the fuck is dragon rogue.
I agree, this deck has a horrible matchup vs Jade decks and I can see why it would have trouble vs a N’zoth deck. However, after playing around 15-20 games with this deck, I can say it works extremely well at high elo. It has a tech for just about every matchup and really only loses to specific mechanics (such as Jade cards). This deck has insane win rates vs Renolock and Aggro shaman, two decks I see frequently in Ranks 5-3.