General Mulligans
the Cleric is obvious to choose in your opening hand. Ancient watcher and purify can get a good threat while pain can get rid of some early game minions. Barnes is good for the combo on turn 4 and 5. Sunfury protecter is an essential piece of the combo so it is better to have it in your hand right away along with Skelemancer
Combo Mulligans
Turn 4 play barnes (or coin skelemancer) turn 5 sunfury protecter and duplicate it. If you didn't have the cards for that combo at the time then when you have 10 mana do skelemancer duplicate it and give them taunt all in one turn. If the skelemancers died and you haven't won yet then tilight's call and give them taunt,
The Gist of it
Well you didn’t turn away after the title so nice. Basically this is a deck that revolves around giving skelemancer taunt. It’s also mixed with a silence priest. The skelemancer combo is so fun to do in casual or even the lower ranks. This deck has lead to so many concedes just because they don’t want to face an 8/8. Also this is the deck I use there are probably some other cards to make it better like a second mirage caller. I’d be happy to hear any cards I should change.
There are two big combos you can do with 10 mana you can summon a skelemancer copy it with mirage caller and give it taunt with sunfury protecter. Or on turn 4 if you get lucky and find a skelemancer with Barnes then turn 5 you can copy it and give them both taunt. If you have twilight’s call and a defender in your hand when they die you can get set up right away.
Weak to:
aggro and I would assume silence effects but I haven’t come across any with this deck. But now patches is nerfed so are all the aggro decks and knife juggler can completely backfire on your opponent
its a funny Deck i crafted most of the cards and tryed it but the actual meta blames me xD even at rank 17