Experimental: The deck should be considered a work in progress.
Reynad’s potentially building a deck that could create a completely new archetype of Hunter. Lock and Load is the centerpiece of this deck, but other new cards from the Grand Tournament include: King's Elekk and Powershot. The lack of a lot of minions makes your King’s Elekk jousts a lot more consistent. Emperor Thaurissan will help increase your ability to draw more cards from a late game Lock and Load.
Update: -1 Explosive Trap, -2 Animal Companion, -1 Dr. Boom, +2 Snipe, +2 Mountain Giant
what about spare parts? it could be a nice cycling mechanisim
And Kill Command?
What about Malygos?
I would probably add Acidmaw to the deck. It should win most Jousts and clears the board when combined with Unleash the Hounds. Otherwise, this looks almost exactly like what I had in mind when Lock and Load was previewed. I just lack the cards as of right now. But I’ll be working on that archetype.
I think that having a 7 mana 4/2 is just way too restrictive for it to see play. especially when the unleash, acidmaw combo is 10 whole mana. If it was 4 mana I think that it would be playable, but it is just too slow and the stats are just too poor.
If it were at four mana, it would be incredibly broken. To put it in perspective, it turns your arcane shots and sniper hero powers into assassinates, power shots and unleash into board clears and your eaglehorn bows now destroy any minion for free. I’m happy they were conservative with this card, because anything else would probably make a format defining card.
Maybe try adding savannah highlands to round out the deck and give it a little more late game than just the neutral cards.