Revisited Mill-Wock-EEE
- 1Corrupt the Waters1
- 2Devolve1
- 2Maelstrom Portal1
- 2Sandstorm Elemental1
- 3Bog Slosher1
- 3Healing Rain1
- 3Hex1
- 5Volcano1
- 9Shudderwock1
- 2Dirty Rat1
- 2Doomsayer1
- 2Questing Explorer1
- 2Zephrys the Great1
- 3Coldlight Oracle1
- 3Dancing Swords1
- 3Deathlord1
- 4Eater of Secrets1
- 5Barista Lynchen1
- 5Doppelgangster1
- 5Loatheb1
- 5Mind Control Tech1
- 5Rotten Applebaum1
- 5Seaforium Bomber1
- 6Khartut Defender1
- 6Reno Jackson1
- 6Skulking Geist1
- 6Sylvanas Windrunner1
- 8Da Undatakah1
- 10Hakkar, the Soulflayer1
- 10N’Zoth, The Corruptor1