Hello fellow friends.
I will present you my Raza Reno N’zoth resurection deck.
Last update:
removed cards:
– Injured Blademaster, – Resurrect , – Onyx Bishop, – Confessor Paletress, – Garrison Commander, – Power Word: Shield
added cards:
+ Dirty Rat , + Mistress of Mixtures, + Loot Hoarder , + Infested Tauren, + Kabal Courier, + Ysera
Deck Presentation and sinergies:
This deck is quite good actually even if it still a raza reno priest base. I found that the basic deck hadn’t enough board presence and i thought using the resurection potential of priest cards to make this deck. And the result was quite good that’s why i am sharing this deck. This deck has an incredible snow ball potential and many cool combos.
You will find all basic resurection cards in this deck such asResurrect ,Onyx Bishop, Brann Bronzebeard, Injured Blademaster/ Dirty Rat (see replacement section) and of course the cards that combine well Shifting Shade ,Cairne Bloodhoof ,Sylvanas Windrunner and Ragnaros the Firelord . The new thing is the resurection potential of Kazakus.
You have also good synergies between cards with Brann Bronzebeard Kazakus Madam Goya and also Garrison Commander Auchenai Soulpriest Confessor Paletress.
You also have a lot of board control cards to clear the board if necesary with Circle of Healing Flash Heal Auchenai Soulpriest Dragonfire Potion Excavated Evil Holy Nova and Kazakus spells. in addition you also have Entomb that helps you to deal with annoying minions and Mind Control Tech can also be usefull. If you play the Dirty Rat it can be quite helpfull in case you have a good spell to clear the board it can deny good battlecry cards your opponent owns. It can also be usefull resurected as a taunt tank minion.
About the combos they are very numerous:
- Brann Bronzebeard + Kazakus
- Brann Bronzebeard + Barnes
- Brann Bronzebeard + Mind Control Tech
- Brann Bronzebeard + Onyx Bishop
- Brann Bronzebeard + Madam Goya
- Brann Bronzebeard + Dirty Rat + Mind Control Tech
- Kazakus + Madam Goya
- Reno Jackson + Madam Goya
- N'Zoth, The Corruptor + Madam Goya
- Onyx Bishop + Madam Goya.
- Garrison Commander + Raza the Chained + Confessor Paletress
- Raza the Chained + Justicar Trueheart
All those combos are great knowing the fact that Kazakus can resurest Brann Bronzebeard and other cards. But be carefull with the use of Madam Goya which can be dangerous and bring back some cards that you could use in a better way with the battlecry effects. Madam Goya can be really effective in this deck to send back in your deck battlecry cards the best is ofc to send back your kazakus.
As you can see there is several synergies in the deck and all are quite strong and fun to play.
in every match up, you will play this deck as a normal resurection deck playing in first place Injured Blademaster, Shifting Shade, and Barnes it will help you to fill the board in early game and give you the opportunity to resurect fast.
Against aggro you know that you need to clear the opponent board as much as possible
and keeping some minions on your board. This deck can allow you to do this
easily. your healing power is your best ally.
Against Control and midrange deck this deck has enough combo potential
to go through late game and deal with big minions. Abuse of 10mana Kazakus Spells to transform Jade golem late game bord into 1/1 sheeps. With your resurection spells or invocation, you can easily be a threat to your opponent and he will try to clean the board many times. You best lategame weapon in this match up are all the resurection, death rattle and Confessor Paletress that will force your opponent to use all the cleaning spells such as Felfire Potion, Shadowflame, Twisting Nether, Dragonfire Potion, Kazakus, Flamestrike. And then you will be albe to play N'Zoth, The Corruptor and bring back all the death rattle cards dead during the game. with anough luck you may have resurect several times those death rattle cards.
When you play Kazakus, chose preferently resurection of minions but it really depend on circumstancies. it’s also better to play him with Brann Bronzebeard.
Ofc in both case you know that Reno Jackson will save your *** in many times.
Best&worst Match up / Statistics :
Coming soon !
Possible replacements :
At the moment i don’t see any cards to replace exept Garrison Commander / Injured Blademaster for an Acidic Swamp Ooze or a Dirty Rat. I hope you will enjoy playing this deck as i do. this deck is very very strong in current meta. Please comment and leave your impressions about this deck
Edit :
Other possible changes i experimented with this deck is changing Confessor Paletress, Garrison Commander, Resurrect for Mistress of Mixtures, Infested Tauren and a Kabal Courier to be more efficient against aggro decks.
Like almost every other priest deck currently on hearthpwn and this website this deck more often than not leaves you with a dead hand until after turn 5. In the current meta of aggro pirate, shaman, rogue, druid, and other control decks like reno lock, jade druid, etc having a dead hand until turn 5 is almost certainly a loss. As much as I like dragon priest and reno priest neither of them can survive the current meta.
actually it can survive but game play and muligan can be your enemy really fast in this deck it’s true. But game play is quite different against aggro deck. Anyway, i agree that the current meta is like 90% aggro decks and it’s just annoying but it is still possible to counter.
I’d say that with this deck my winrate against aggro is about 60% not a lot but quite enought to think that this deck can still be played.
I just Edited the deck qith one change and it seems quite good. I replaced the Injured Blademaster for a Dirty Rat and its quite good and give more controle and a taunt minion to resurect. works well with some cards in deck too with most of the Clearing spells (including 5 cristals Kazakus spells) and with ragnaros.
Loved the play style of the deck but had no luck against quick and aggressive deck like Warrior and Rouge. Anyway to handle early game aggressive deck?
most of the time you have to temporise playing if possible Injured Masterblade/ Shifting Shade /Barnes In aim to reduce board dmg and heal your self. until you get a clean board. you have many other options if you get a resurection. You can also play barnes in order to temporise you can resurect him if you have luck and it’s a card the opponent will obc focus. you have to temporise and make a big clearing spell you can also most of the time get Raza, Flash Heal in hand to help you to temporise. Ofc Kazakus against aggro can defenitly make the game. This deck is not easy to play but can be really effective if you play it with an insight gameplay. think about futur turns and possible way to escape from those face decks. actually i win mostly all my games against aggro decks.
I like the deck but it just reminds me of how this game has some serious issues with legendaries.
lol I have all those legendaries but not a single Garrison Commander :V
go for craft mate it’s a must have in every raza decks
Yeah but I feel its fragile, thats why I never crafted him (I usually dont craft cards, all my legs where just luck tbh, too bad I don’t have that luck ingame :P)
Will give this deck a try, looks good. Also will post any changes I make if any.