General Mulligans
Key mulligan in any matchup, ooze can be swapped in a non weapon class match.
With all the release of MSG, renolock has more cards to play with. From the current meta we can see it has positive win Tate against mid shaman, so the question is will it able contest with decks like Jade Druid, dragon priest and pirate/weapon warrior in the next meta? And I think with some twist in tech choice in the future, it will be a well rounded deck that able to stay at even with strong meta decks.
The deck contains 5 hard aoe and 3 soft aoe, able to survive into the Late game. Three heals can be a problem, but as long we have 4 taunt we can mange to stay in the game against weapon class.
Kabal Courier (Warlock) Kazakus (Warlock) are those cards rise the flexibility of the deck so you can have situations where maybe you can either be more aggressive or control oriented.
the new warlock legendary can be a consideration of a strong turn 9 play with 4or 5 demon in your hands. The problem is is it worth swapping jaraxxus and the Leroy combo with the demons. I think it is still questionable, but can be played.