Reno menagerie shaman badlands
- 1Cold Storage1
- 1Schooling1
- 2Ancestral Knowledge1
- 2Bolner Hammerbeak1
- 2Devolve1
- 2Sleetbreaker1
- 2Trusty Companion1
- 3Brilliant Macaw1
- 3Clownfish1
- 3Lightning Storm1
- 3Primal Dungeoneer1
- 4Firemancer Flurgl1
- 5Bandersmosh1
- 5Doctor Holli’dae1
- 5Scargil1
- 6Grumble, Worldshaker1
- 6Snowfall Guardian1
- 8Bru’kan of the Elements1
- 9Shudderwock1
- 1Armor Vendor1
- 1Sir Finley, Sea Guide1
- 1Toxfin1
- 2Amalgam of the Deep1
- 2Dirty Rat1
- 2Flint Firearm1
- 2Hipster1
- 2Zephrys the Great1
- 3Paparazzi1
- 3Photographer Fizzle1
- 3Prince Renathal1
- 3Rowdy Fan1
- 3Twin-fin Fin Twin1
- 3Worgen Roadie1
- 3Zola the Gorgon1
- 4Blademaster Okani1
- 4Hecklebot1
- 5Gorloc Ravager1
- 5Loatheb1
- 7Mutanus the Devourer1
- 10Reno, Lone Ranger1