Reno Mage in Gadgetzan (Theorycraft)

Class: Mage - Format: kraken - Type: control - Season: season-32

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With intense control and healing, this new reno mage is going to become the new mage meta. Surely this deck is more of the fun side compared to Freeze Mage or Tempo Mage, but it can be predicted that this deck will easily reach rank #5.

Combos in this deck:

Kazakus (Mage)  combined with Inkmaster Solia gives you a free 1, 5, or even 10 mana spell.

Manic Soulcaster works with almost every legendary in this deck.

Cabalist's Tome for Yogg-Saron, Hope's End synergy.

Alexstrasza Easily reduce opponent by 15 health, or can be used as a heal card.

Tech substitutions:

Aggro: Replace the nerfed yogg with Doomsayer.
            RemoveInkmaster Solia for a Frost Nova or Blizzard.
            Medivh's Valet can be added if necessary. 

Midrange:  Replace Yogg-Saron, Hope's End with Ethereal Conjurer for less RNG.

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