Reno Mage – #46 Legend (KilleRacoon) – Wild S89
- 2Book of Specters1
- 3Flame Ward1
- 3Ice Block1
- 3Stargazer Luna1
- 4Fire Sale1
- 4Kazakus1
- 4Potion of Illusion1
- 4Varden Dawngrasp1
- 6Dragoncaster1
- 6Reno the Relicologist1
- 7Clumsy Courier1
- 7Luna’s Pocket Galaxy1
- 10The Amazing Reno1
- 1Animated Broomstick1
- 1Armor Vendor1
- 1Glacial Shard1
- 2Dirty Rat1
- 2Mad Scientist1
- 2Zephrys the Great1
- 3Brann Bronzebeard1
- 3Zola the Gorgon1
- 5Barista Lynchen1
- 5Loatheb1
- 5Zilliax1
- 6Cornelius Roame1
- 6Reno Jackson1
- 7Mutanus the Devourer1
- 8Varian, King of Stormwind1
- 9Alexstrasza1
- 9Alexstrasza the Life-Binder1