Reno Jackson decks are very good in the current meta. Playing Reno while you are at less than ten health, usually is an auto-win against faster decks. However, slower decks can still draw out the game, and playing Reno might not save you. The solution? Play more Reno’s. This deck runs few low cost creatures, allowing an early Duplicate to easily give you two extra Reno Jacksons if played correctly. Echo of Medivh is another interesting card, that can give you another Reno, or possibly Rhonin or Dr. Boom . The rest of the deck is controlling cards, such as Frost Nova and Doomsayer. This deck has three main win conditions: Archmage Antonidas with Emperor Thaurissan, Dr. Boom, or Alexstrasza. If your opponent goes to lower health, it is easy to finish them off with a fireball or frostbolt.
Reno Jackson Freeze Mage
- 1Ice Lance1
- 1Mirror Image1
- 2Flamecannon1
- 2Frostbolt1
- 2Sorcerer’s Apprentice1
- 2Unstable Portal1
- 3Arcane Intellect1
- 3Cone of Cold1
- 3Duplicate1
- 3Flamewaker1
- 3Forgotten Torch1
- 3Frost Nova1
- 3Ice Barrier1
- 3Ice Block1
- 3Mirror Entity1
- 4Echo of Medivh1
- 4Fireball1
- 4Polymorph1
- 6Blizzard1
- 7Archmage Antonidas1
- 7Flamestrike1
- 8Rhonin1
- 10Pyroblast1