Reno Jackson C’Thun Warrior Standard #26

Class: Warrior - Format: kraken - Type: control - Season: season-25 - Style: ladder

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One thing that became obvious while making a C’Thun Warrior deck, was that there are too many good cards to put in your deck. Well Reno Jackson makes putting all of them into your deck posible with a strong bonus. 

If you would want another Battlecry to go with Brann, i would suggest to replace Fierce Monkey with somthing like a Earthern Ring og Mind Control Tech, since the deck feature a 3/4 minion already. 

Empereror Thurissan can be switched out for a Sylvanas. I think it comes down to prefrence.

The imenense suvivability of this deck makes it a strong matchup against other C’Thun decks which is flooding the latter at this very moment. The fact that the deck has such high survivabliity makes Doomcaller an excellent card, beeing able to play a second C’Thun by adding it into your deck again. Playing Doomcaller before C’Thun has died is not something you generally want to do except if you’re in need of a big body. Also keep in mind that playing Brann with Ancient Shieldbearer on turn 10 will give you a wooping 20 armor instantly. 

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  1. Divinespirit
    May 1, 2016 at 10:28 AM

    Any legendery class?
    Garomash hellscream for replace harrison jones …..