General Mulligans
Selfless Hero > Doomsayer>Reno is main mulligan (see next tab)for aggro decks rallying blade for shamen for troggs and spirit wolves cause new meta will probably be shaman heavy
dragon consort for 8 cost deathwing or 5 cost chillmaw. the shear massive amount of board clears and self healing that should help you survive any onslaught. all deathrattle (even chillmaw) are fodder for pressure and board trades cause nzoth
end plan is to have 2-3 massive dragons (chromag, yersa, nef, ect) in hand for 8*/10 cost deathwing to bring them out free if all else fails pop Nzoth for any of your deathrattles back free.... even deathwing!
i put 2 doomsayers cause 9 outta 10 times by the time you need reno youll have got one in hand or already played one if you feel like youre facing a alot of argo decks maybe switch out elise and or cairne for infested taurens or anotherT guardian
Aggro Mulligans
after you have reno and doomsayer in hand all else is preferance rallying blade for shamen troggs and spirit wolves or mage wyrms new meta will probably be shaman heavy
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Interesting deck. I made a similar one without Reno Jackson.
I think when you play Reno you loose the board clear ability that you get with 2 equality, 2 consecration and 2 wild pyromancer.
So I think you should include one Enter the Coliseum and an Aldor Peacekeeper to have more options (against the 7/7 Shaman). Take out the Ancient Harbinger that does not help you survive.
Also replace Argent Lance with the new weapon Rallying Blade. With all the Shaman that will be played in the meta, you want to deal 3 damage early to clear a Tunnel Trog or a Feral Spirit.
all valid points thanks for that input i will look into that. i agree shamen will probably be like 35%-40% if not more played this up coming meta
i swapped out ancinet harbringer for Enter the col. and swapped out argent lance for rallying blade. i agree the 3 attack overweighs the 2/3 arg, lance would be 75% the time cause we probablly will be seeing alot of spirit wolves and / or troggs
TBH with almost any control vs midrange zerg is going to have problems but as long as you get doomsayer in your opening hand i think this deck will hold its own better yet to have doom+ reno as i stated in the agro tab. do you care to explain more what you think to swap out? i was thinking spawn of nzoth is switchable and/or maybe blessing of kings
Honestly I think that when it comes to building decks, at most you should have two themes. I think the best change would be to throw out the Reno aspect of this deck. The paladin class already has a lot of healing options and a lot of really good duplicates. Cards like elise, spawn of nzoth, and nzoth himself would be better served as duplicates of cheaper removal cards or, if you really want to stick with reno, just put in some sticky early game minions. There are a lot of high mana cards in this deck, so in the late game you are only going to be playing one or two cards per turn, and most decks will then just be able to out pace you, or out control you.
you do understand. yersa chro nef are suppose to be just in hand for deathwing to summon.. thats like whole concept of the deck besides selfhealing. everything else is just to help support board clearing and in a failsafe be revived from nzoth (deathrattles ofc) i do agree its kinda top heavy and was thinking of maybe switching out blessing of kings or maybe elise / spawn for few lower cost cards. whats your thought on that? and what do you mean by better served as duplicates? you mean redemption? or did i miss a card release
I do like this deck, but I think the mana curve is a bit too high, the way it is, if you do not draw Reno turn 6 just about any good agro deck will have you on your heels. Since the game is shifting to more of a control meta it may work out more than not but I don’t think you are going to see much success against any midrange to agro deck. The way new Shaman is looking right now it will run this deck out of the building.
also with the nerfs to hunter zerg and complete oblitaration of combo druid i do think meta will shift more control.