I like playing Dragon but I felt the new cards warranted a shake-up. This deck gives you plenty of removals/mind control plus significant dragon firepower all in one package. So far the addition of C’Thun has worked quite well particularly using C’Thun as an additional bruiser, not a finisher.
My favorite play with this deck is when it starts out either pure C’Thun or pure dragon and then the other half of the deck comes into play forcing the other side to alter strategy. Obviously this is the biggest weakness of the deck as well, it contains several strategies and none of them are fully executed so if the wrong mix of cards comes up you could find yourself in an noncompetitive situation.
Please comment. I’d like to continue to refine this list.
added mariel, auchenai and circle of healing.
Now the board clear is not that bad.
Looks fun! Going to give it a try now. No room for Vek’lor though? He seems too strong to miss out in any deck with C’Thun!
That’s a very good point. I don’t have him yet so it was difficult to test. Also, the cost was a concern for me since I already had a number of high cost cards. I also considered Chillmaw at the 7 spot since the deck could use some additional removal/taunt/dragon synergy but I felt that was moving to far back toward a pure dragon deck.
Please let me know you Vek’lor works out and if you have any other suggestions. I really think there is something to this particular setup maybe even without Reno?
Your chances of having C’thun on over 10 attack by turn 7 is pretty slim in this deck though, so Vek’lor wouldn’t be too consistent. If you wanna try it, I’d cut the Twilight Geomancer, since it’s a pretty weak card, that only really opens your C’thun up to being killed by The Black Knight (aka: being TBK:ed)